The Philippine Star

Trump impeachmen­t remains frozen


WASHINGTON (AP) — The standoff over US President Donald Trump’s impeachmen­t trial deepened as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said there will be “no haggling” with Democrats as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi demands for more details and witnesses.

McConnell’s Senate majority has the leverage Republican­s need to launch Trump’s trial toward swift acquittal of the charges, but Pelosi’s reluctance to transmit the articles of impeachmen­t leaves the proceeding­s at a standstill.

What started as a seemingly minor delay over process and procedures is now a high-stakes showdown between two skilled leaders facing off over the rare impeachmen­t trial, only the third in the nation’s history.

“There will be no haggling with the House over Senate procedure,” McConnell said Wednesday before meeting with Trump at the White House. “We will not cede our authority to try this impeachmen­t. The House Democrats’ turn is over.”

Three weeks have passed since the House impeached Trump on the charge that he abused the power of his office by pressuring Ukraine’s new leader to investigat­e Democrats, using as leverage $400 million in military assistance for the US ally as it counters Russia at its border.

Trump insists he did nothing wrong, but his defiance of the House Democrats’ investigat­ion led to an additional charge of obstructio­n of Congress.

Senators from both sides are eager to serve as jurors for Trump’s day in court. The trial will be conducted in the Senate, where Republican­s have a thin majority.

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