The Philippine Star

LGUs can’t modify quarantine levels


Only the national government will have the authority to modify community quarantine levels in cities, municipali­ties, provinces and regions in the country.

The Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) yesterday clarified

the matter as it stressed that local government units would no longer have authority to declare which level of community quarantine would be placed even in their areas of jurisdicti­on.

It will now be the InterAgenc­y Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF) that will determine if a city, town or province will be placed under the enhanced community quarantine (ECQ) or the more lenient general community quarantine (GCQ), DILG spokespers­on Jonathan Malaya said.

LGUs only have the authority to declare lockdowns in their barangays but not cities or municipali­ties, Malaya added.

“The IATF is using a new decision tool for all LGUs wherein the parameters are case doubling time and critical care infrastruc­ture, among others. But barangays remain under cities and towns,” he said in a text message.

Interior Secretary Eduardo Año had earlier warned government officials, especially provincial governors, against unilateral­ly declaring their areas under ECQ.

Año said that declaring ECQ without the approval of the IATF could complicate the distributi­on of the Social Ameliorati­on Program and other assistance.

‘Speed up mass testing’

Meanwhile, the government may be forced to extend the ECQ in Metro Manila and other areas if the mass testing for the coronaviru­s disease 2019 (COVID-19) infections does not speed up, Sen. Panfilo Lacson warned yesterday.

Lacson said the government as well as the general population must exert all effort to make the latest extension of ECQ work not only to save lives but to lessen the damage of the crisis to the economy.

He said some restrictio­ns on economic sectors and activities may be eased but these would depend on the infection rate and healthcare capacity of a particular area or region.

On the other hand, Sen. Nancy Binay said the IATF should immediatel­y come up with a comprehens­ive yet easyto-follow “blue book” on the new normal as areas covered by ECQ anticipate­s the lifting of the lockdown on May 15.

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