The Philippine Star

Depression on the rise due to ECQ


Expect the number of individual­s with depression to rise in the country following the prolonged lockdown.

“Mood disorder, as prime characteri­stic of depression, is on the rise. Many people feel sad and slowly lose interest in life because of the enhanced community quarantine (ECQ)

caused by COVID-19 pandemic,” said Dr. Roland Cortez, chief of the National Center for Mental Health during a Zoom press conference yesterday.

Every day, Cortez said, about 200 people call the 24-hour hotline numbers (0917-898-8727 and 989-8727) of the hospital ever since the ECQ took effect in Luzon last month.

Last year, the hospital recorded depression as the third leading cause of consultati­on with the NCMH with a total of 637 patients. Schizophre­nia and bi-polar disorder came first and second with 2,552 and 1,322 patients, respective­ly.

With the pandemic, Cortez said the hospital now only admits patients who are suicidal or who have the capacity to hurt others.

Cortez said the hospital has recorded 60 employees infected with COVID-19, of whom 11 have recovered. And of 16 patients of NCMH who tested positive for the coronaviru­s, one recovered.

Pavilion 7 of the hospital with a 100bed capacity has been turned into an isolation center where COVID patients are being treated.

“Depression is on the rise because of the feeling of uncertaint­y. Those who are affected by it are asking: When will I go back to work? Do I still have work after the ECQ? How do I feed my family? When will we stop depending on government aid? When will COVID-19 be totally eradicated?” Cortez said.

“Anxiety and nervousnes­s are common” among those who are locked down in their houses. “They always worry about their finances. They feel uneasy inside their houses. They are uncertain of the future,” he added.

To combat the feeling of being depressed, Cortez suggested that “the government must have clear guidelines on how to help the people.”

“They must feel and be reassured that after the lockdown they will still have a job. Because for many, they feel that it is already the end of the world,” he said.

Cortez said kids and senior citizens are also emotionall­y affected by the lockdown.

“Parents should reassure their kids that the ECQ is temporary; that when it is lifted, they can play again outside the house or with their friends,” he said.

Senior citizens, Cortez said, also feel the depression of being locked down. “They should exercise by walking around the house. Or even simple flexing (of arms and legs).

“The senior citizens also have feelings; they get depressed. They silently absorb the feelings of their children or grandchild­ren who lose their jobs. Cheer them up with good news. If they can also connect with their friends and relatives via social media, that will do them good,” Cortez said.

He advised everyone under lockdown to tap the artist in him or her.

“In this time of the pandemic, we should learn new skills, learn art. Indulge in poetry, painting or learn to play an instrument. We have to be creative,” Cortez said.

“We keep being sane by taking a break from listening to bad news or reading too much about the pandemic. Let’s listen to our favorite music or watch feel-good movies. We can clean the house or read inspiring books,” he added.

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