The Philippine Star

Named by God


“Don’t call me Naomi,” she told them. “Call me Mara, because the Almighty has made my life very bitter.”

— Ruth 1:20

Riptide. Batgirl. Jumpstart. These are a few names given to counselors at the summer camp our family attends every year. Created by their peers, the camp nicknames usually derive from an embarrassi­ng incident, a funny habit, or a favorite hobby.

Nicknames aren’t limited to camp — we even find them used in the Bible. For example, Jesus dubs the apostles James and John the “sons of thunder” (Mark 3:17). It’s rare in Scripture for someone to give themselves a nickname, yet it happens when a woman named Naomi asks people to call her “Mara,” which means “bitterness” (Ruth 1:20), because both her husband and two sons had died. She felt that God had made her life bitter (v. 21).

The new name Naomi gave herself didn’t stick, however, because those devastatin­g losses were not the end of her story. In the midst of her sorrow, God had blessed her with a loving daughter-in-law, Ruth, who eventually remarried and had a son, creating a family for Naomi again.

Although we might sometimes be tempted to give ourselves bitter nicknames, like “failure” or “unloved,” based on difficulti­es we’ve experience­d or mistakes we’ve made, those names are not the end of our stories. We can replace those labels with the name God has given each of us, “loved one” (Romans 9:25), and look for the ways He’s providing for us in even the most challengin­g of times. — Lisa M. Samra

Think of a nickname someone gave you. What did you like or not like about it? How does being called a beloved child of God change how you see yourself?

READ: Ruth 1:19-22 Heavenly Father, thank You that I’m not defined by the circumstan­ces or experience­s of my life. Thank You for calling me Your child.

Bible in a Year: Psalms 81-83 and Romans 11:19-36

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