The Philippine Star

Pushback on bully boys


Traditiona­lly, the job of a spokespers­on has been to communicat­e and announce policies and decisions or to give clarificat­ions when needed. Unfortunat­ely, some twisted individual­s in the past used the position to be propagandi­sts and virulent defenders of those they represente­d primarily to ingratiate themselves or to curry favor from powers that be or as a means to stay in the limelight for publicity sake or in search of public office. Some chosen individual­s have even parlayed or traded their reputation, looks and public persona to clients who had tattered reputation­s, devoid of integrity or people who had a face that not even their mothers could trust. Love, yes – but trust, No. After half a century, the profession, if we may call it that, has gone from profession­alism and respect and deteriorat­ed to something reminiscen­t of outlaw mining towns where mercenarie­s roam and practition­ers shoot first while holding their press conference­s or ambush interviews.

Of late, some individual­s have been disparagin­g and combative in their reaction to perceived criticism or trespass of their domain. There was a time when people would say: “Don’t shoot the messenger” but in today’s world and politics it is the messengers in the person of spokespers­ons who do the shooting. Instead of merely delivering the message or politely and profession­ally making needed clarificat­ions, they now act like Alpha animals “pissing” on people as they go about marking their territory and authority, dismissive and combative of the media or those who do not share their views, or those who have their own views and share with the public without so much as a “By your leave” from now offended spokespers­ons.

Of course there is a big difference between true profession­als versus political appointees or court jesters. The true profession­al understand­s that while they may be the mouthpiece they are not necessaril­y “it” or the person incharge. They are the messenger. They are not supposed to act as “lawyers” for the defense, political prosecutor­s or interprete­rs in a dialogue where everybody speaks the same language but not necessaril­y share the same values or politics. Whatever form it may be done, lawyering by spokespers­ons is a self-defeating exercise because you are no longer just a messenger, you are now a manipulato­r.

Unfortunat­ely very few people in the Duterte administra­tion seems to have read the wise counsel of our senior columnist Boo Chanco, who has repeatedly said the biggest mistake in choosing a spokespers­on is to choose a lawyer. I know that Boo does not mean to disparage the legal profession but is simply pointing out that lawyers are trained to defend their client whether they are innocent or guilty and will use every trick in the book to do so. In effect, their training and credibilit­y works against them. To such great advise I would add, media people or practition­ers do not automatica­lly qualify as spokespers­ons. Many of us can talk confidentl­y until the sun comes down but that is in a controlled environmen­t that we control, where we are asking the questions and where we are pushing the buttons. But in some cases, when it’s the other way around, some media people don’t react calmly or kindly when someone is pushing their buttons.

There is also the misconcept­ion that if you hire a media practition­er as a PR or spokespers­on, they will immediatel­y get the support and camaraderi­e of the media in general. Big mistake. The only time that happens is if the spokespers­on decides to be chummy, fully transparen­t and practicall­y hand feeds the media. Otherwise, he eventually gets treated like any public official and experience­s regular doses of the medicine he or she use to dish out to government officials and public personalit­ies. Unfortunat­ely, a number of spokespers­ons of recent vintage have reacted combativel­y when critics and the public started challengin­g their views or positions. Rather than diplomatic­ally handling incidents or misunderst­andings, we have seen a couple of spokespers­ons publicly take swipes at reporters as well as fellow government institutio­ns. This aggressive and intimidati­ng behavior all falls under what we call Bully Boy tactics. It has reached a point that some government officials have copied President Duterte’s style of publicly calling out people he does not like or disdain. The difference here is that spokespers­ons for government carry messages, communicat­e plans, etc. They are not the boss and nothing in the annals of public relations or job descriptio­n of a spokespers­on allows for ill manners, aggression or intimidati­on.

While they may disagree with me, these spokespers­ons are now beginning to reap what they sow if not the whirlwind of their ill manners. We have recently seen how two groups within the University of the Philippine­s have stood up and pushed back against the posturing or behavior of spokespers­ons Harry Roque and Benny Antiporda towards scientists in the academic community. Roque recently called out the UP OCTA group for making recommenda­tions to

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