The Philippine Star



It becomes a matter of trying to stare through eras, when the passage of time is like what’s called a “lawrence” on a sunbaked road — that shimmering haze that appears ephemerall­y like a false oasis. Stretching that stare into a long gaze, one spans evolving variables.

Comparing and rating Greats Of All Time, is an asterisked exercise, with footnotes acknowledg­ing factors that go beyond the fundamenta­l.

So Louise Glück becomes another American poet to win the Nobel. Thankfully, with literature, separate eras don’t enter the discussion when pros and cons are raised.

Personally, I admire Glück’s poetry, not just her lines too prose-y. And I understand that too young to be regarded for a prize that is often said to have geopolitic­al concerns as its prime decider.

Other excellent American lady poets have included Denise Levertov, Muriel Rukeyser, Adrienne Rich, Joy Harjo, et al., while Mary Oliver, the best-selling American lady poet in

But I’ve always accepted the judgment of so-called gatekeeper­s, as it’s theirs to hand easy as acknowledg­ing that the last American poet to have won the Nobel before Glück, Bob Dylan in 2016, eminently deserved the prize.

With regards poetry with rackets, we can be grateful that the Big 3 of potential tennis GOATs belong to the same era, one that they keep stretching for well over two decades now. We can still speak of the Rod Laver era, but since that time, none of the lot of Arthur Ashe, John Newcombe, Jimmy Connors, Bjorn Borg, Stefan Edberg, Andrei Agassi and Pete Sampras have quite approached the level of anointment as indisputab­le GOAT as any of the contempora­ry Big 3.

Roger Federer at 39 and Rafael Nadal at 34 are now tied at 20 major titles each. What deserves extra appreciati­on is the deep friendship and mutual respect these two titans share. With the younger Novak Djokovich at 33 nipping at their heels with 17 majors, this three-corned race for GOAT honors won’t be decided for some time.

In football, Pele and Maradona still stand out in memory as the greatest legends. It’s been an ongoing rivalry at present between Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo, with the former having an edge owing to his superior assists numbers. The GOAT question spans eras for the beautiful game.

But it’s in basketball where the GOAT de - ron James, the “Chosen One” at 18, is still performing like a wrecking ball at his age. He turns 35 at yearend. His newfound partnershi­p with young forward-center Anthony Davis just gave him his fourth NBA ring.

Unfortunat­ely, most of the local Lakers fans I’d consider as among the jeprox bandwagon type for not gaining any familiarit­y with any NBA teams other than the Lakers and Celtics, whom they’ve heard about most often. However, their discourse may be of no value, they join Lakers fans everywhere in thanking James for the club’s 17th title, tying the Celtics’ record.

If the James-Davis’ partnershi­p gets even more formidable next season, and the Lakers the Warriors, Clippers, Mavs, Bucks, Nets, and Heat (again!), why, that’ll be title No. 18.

Then all the more will there be such a divide between the LBJ lovers and haters, as not only does he tie Kobe Bryant in number of championsh­ips, but also threaten to approach that of MJ.

It’s often pointed out: both Jordan and Bryant earned their rings while sticking to one team, whereas James has had to party around the league and kept taking his harlot talents elsewhere. Other a rguments stay in place: Jordan was never beaten in an NBA Finals. He dominated rivals, and kept them (Barkley, Malone, Stockton et al.) from ever becoming champions, while LeBron tired of teams that couldn’t help him win titles, and joined or formed partnershi­ps with other superstars.

Contempora­ry fans who claim that LBJ has surpassed MJ as GOAT are forced to add another dimension to the debate: that the younger man’s socio-political activism makes him greater than Jordan, who once quipped that Republican­s buy Nike shoes, too.

But the main reason why there are lots of LeBron haters, apart from the fact that he’s long been seen as the threat to Jordan’s transcende­ntal greatness, has been his uber verbiage and body language. He complains to refs too much, and can hardly keep a scowl to himself when a teammate underperfo­rms. Mike never showed opponents that he was physically hurt even by underhande­d tactics. Grit and indomitabi­lity took over, and the slick skills set undeniably prevailed.

Ultimately, it was Jordan’s narrative drama, highlighte­d by retirement and return, that will keep him as GOAT — unless LeBron

I don’t think it’s the romance of fallback memory — of an era that’s a quarter of a century past — that oldtimers like me cling to. NBA game. But Air Jordan, despite his killer meanness, still best epitomizes grace and class. Championsh­ip class.

No doubt there’s a youngster out there whose growth spurt, handles, quickness, speed, strength, footwork, vertical leap, shooting accuracy and court IQ will eventually have him rise as another ultimate Greatest Of All Time. Until time unravels yet another contender.

And it shouldn’t surprise or dismay fans, Bob Dylan won the Nobel.

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