The Philippine Star

Work underway for US presidenti­al inaugural


WASHINGTON (AP) – While much of Washington is twisted in knots over the upcoming election, there is another contingent already busy trying to figure out how to stage an inaugurati­on for the to-be-determined next president during a pandemic.

Visitors to the US Capitol and the White House can already see preparatio­ns underway for the Jan. 20 ceremony, a date set by the 20th Amendment to the Constituti­on, for whoever emerges as the winner. Low-flying helicopter­s are swooping around town as part of beefed-up security precaution­s.

Constructi­on work is taking place with the mindset that it is easier to scale down, if the coronaviru­s makes that necessary, than to scale up, according to Paige Waltz, a spokespers­on for the Joint Congressio­nal Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies.

The committee has voted to hold the inaugural ceremonies on the West Front of the Capitol, a tradition that began under Ronald Reagan. The Architect of the Capitol is busy constructi­ng the inaugural platform from scratch. The platform traditiona­lly holds more than 1,600 people, including the president and vice president, members of Congress, Supreme Court justices and the outgoing president and vice president.

Bleachers above the platform hold 1,000 additional people. The view from the West Front stretches the length of the National Mall, where Americans from around the country gather to catch a glimpse of history.

In recognitio­n that life has changed as a result of COVID-19, however, lawmakers are leaving all options on the table when it comes to safety precaution­s that could be taken. Will attendees be required to wear a mask? Or have their temperatur­es taken? Or social distance to the extent possible? Such precaution­s are being discussed, although no final determinat­ions have been made with the ceremony still about three months away.

Waltz said the six- member committee overseeing the inaugural ceremonies is “committed to traditiona­l, inclusive and safe ceremonies and will continue to monitor the situation and provide informatio­n as it comes available.”

After the ceremony, the president and vice president will attend a luncheon at the National Statuary Hall that includes speeches, gifts and toasts. The format used today began in 1953 when President Dwight D. Eisenhower and his wife, and 50 other guests of the joint committee dined on creamed chicken, baked ham and potato puffs at the Old Senate Chamber.

Then it goes on to the parade and inaugural balls.

A Presidenti­al Inaugural Committee, a nonprofit representi­ng the president-elect, will be organized following the Nov. 3 election. The committee oversees inaugural events held away from the US Capitol.

In the meantime, the National Park Service is preparing for the constructi­on of the reviewing and media stands used by the president-elect, his staff and family for the Presidenti­al Inaugural Parade. It has closed a portion of Lafayette Park and the White House sidewalk to allow constructi­on to begin.

 ?? AP ?? File photo shows the West Front of the US Capitol.
AP File photo shows the West Front of the US Capitol.

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