The Philippine Star

Racing to herd immunity


Here are new real-world studies, this time from the United Kingdom (UK), which provides us with more informatio­n on COVID-19 vaccine efficacy. Unfortunat­ely, the UK did not use Sinovac, which is the brand that is currently the most available in the Philippine­s.

The COVID-19 vaccines used in the study were by Pfizer/BioNTech and AstraZenec­a/Oxford. The results, reported in, however offer us some useful insights. The UK now has over half of its 68 million population partially vaccinated, and since the nationwide vaccine rollout that started in December, daily reported cases in April have significan­tly dropped to an average of below 5,000 cases (from a high of 69,000), and reported deaths to an average below 50 (from a high of 1,823).

The studies highlight the observed efficacy not only between the two vaccine brands, but also between one and two doses. Here are relevant results from the three studies separately conducted by the Public Health England Colindale in London, the Hull Teaching Hospitals in England, and the University of Edinburgh.

In the Colindale study, the authors wrote that the vaccines appeared generally effective, but not 100 percent against preventing infection. Thus, they advised health workers to continue observing recommende­d protective measures, including regular asymptomat­ic testing until this pandemic blows over.

Herd immunity

The more important observatio­n, however, comes from a commentary by two doctors – Eyal Leshem, MD, of Chaim Sheba Medical Center in Israel, and Benjamin Lopman, PhD, of Emory University – on the study results that could further help public health officials and policy makers refine vaccinatio­n targets to achieve herd immunity.

Based on the findings of the Colindale results, the two doctors wrote that “nearly 100 percent of the population would need to be vaccinated with one dose or about 80 percent with two doses” to achieve herd immunity. Thus, “a one-dose strategy might be best for averting the most deaths, but higher population immunity to quell transmissi­on will require a full course of two doses.”

In the Hull study, collated data showed that both symptomati­c and asymptomat­ic COVID-19 infections dropped as vaccinatio­ns rose to 82.5 percent of hospital staff by Feb. 22. Specifical­ly, the “single-dose (Pfizer vaccine) has been associated with a significan­t decrease in positive (COVID-19 tests) in both symptomati­c and asymptomat­ic (healthcare workers), with the most dramatic effect on symptomati­c illness.”

Edinburg study

A more comprehens­ive study can be gleaned from the Edinburgh data where the health documents of 5.4 million or 99 percent of the Scottish population were available and factored in during the early period when the vaccines were first administer­ed.

Significan­tly, of the 1.3 million with an average age of 65 vaccinated against COVID-19, only 723 became ill of the infectious virus compared to 7,854 who did not receive the vaccine. A 91 percent effectiven­ess after the first Pfizer dose compared to 88 percent of AstraZenec­a, resulting in reduced hospitaliz­ations 28 to 34 days later.

For those 80 years and older, both vaccines showed an almost even effectiven­ess of 83 percent. Hospitaliz­ations for this elderly group likewise dropped the most.

The Edinburg study is significan­t also in taking into account socio-economic status, residence in non-urban areas, and the presence of co-morbiditie­s. For this reason, scientists are watching closely further data from reports on vaccinatio­ns administer­ed to the rest of the population.

So far, 2.8 million or 61 percent of Scotland’s adult population have received the jab, while over one million or 23.5 percent have completed their required doses. Even with the addition of the Moderna vaccines, Scotland had to extend second dosage jabs to a 12-month interval due to supply shortages.

Surplus vaccines

Rich countries like Israel, the US, and the United Arab Emirates lead the world in terms of vaccinatio­n efforts, and as they go through the time frame of having their citizens complete full doses, new data is emerging about these countries having more than enough of what their entire population­s need.

Countries awash in vaccine supplies include Canada (435 percent of population covered), the UK (364), New Zealand (329), Australia (286), the EU nations (235), and the US (200). In contrast, developing countries have barely been able to secure enough for even half their population.

The Philippine­s has, to date, secured vaccines already for 45 percent of the population, definitely not yet enough to vaccinate the desired 70 to 80 percent of the nation by yearend. The rollout is even slower, with only 1.65 million or 1.5 percent of the population getting two shots or less.

It would be best for the Philippine­s to seize the opportunit­y that these excess vaccine stocks represent to increase its stockpile levels, especially since our government has repeatedly said that there is money to purchase the needed vaccines. Let’s hope that this does not entail getting into more vaccine diplomacy deals.

Countries with large population­s like China, South Korea, and Vietnam – which have managed to keep infection levels low despite a slow vaccinatio­n program, attribute their success to effective controls centered on contact tracing with support from the usual health protocols like mask wearing and social distancing.

We know now that our government has a poor capability for keeping infection levels at manageable levels, and more than one year under quarantine for large parts of the country is proof of this.

Our only hope now to get the economy back on track is to acquire herd immunity through vaccinatio­ns at the quickest time before any new variants resistant to the current vaccines surface. That’s going to be a tall order given that we need to jab 350,000 Filipinos every day to catch up.

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