The Philippine Star

Crisis-hit Sri Lanka deploys troops to quell protests


COLOMBO (AFP) – Troops armed with sweeping powers were deployed in Sri Lanka yesterday with the nearbankru­pt country on edge after the president declared a state of emergency to quell escalating protests against him.

Gotabaya Rajapaksa invoked special powers on Friday night, a day after hundreds tried to storm his house in anger over unpreceden­ted shortages of food, fuel and medicine.

The state of emergency was for the “protection of public order and the maintenanc­e of supplies and services essential to the life of the community,” Rajapaksa said in a proclamati­on.

Soldiers armed with automatic assault rifles had already been deployed for crowd control at fuel stations and elsewhere when the emergency was declared. More were seen yesterday.

In normal times, Sri Lanka’s military can only play a supporting role to police, but the state of emergency gives them authority to act alone, including to detain civilians.

The South Asian nation of 22 million people is battling severe shortages of essentials, sharp price rises and crippling power cuts in its most painful downturn since independen­ce from Britain in 1948.

The coronaviru­s pandemic has torpedoed tourism and remittance­s, both vital to the economy, and authoritie­s have imposed a broad import ban in an attempt to save foreign currency.

Many economists also say the crisis has been exacerbate­d by government mismanagem­ent, years of accumulate­d borrowing, and ill-advised tax cuts.

The emergency laws came ahead of planned anti-government protests on Sunday, when activists on social media have urged people to demonstrat­e outside their homes.

“Do not be deterred by tear gas, very soon they will run out of dollars to re-stock,” said one post encouragin­g people to demonstrat­e even if police attempt to break up gatherings.

US ambassador Julie Chung warned: “Sri Lankans have a right to protest peacefully – essential for democratic expression.”

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