The Philippine Star

What did you do for Mother Earth?


Did you turn off your lights during Earth Hour last Saturday? It’s really a very small thing to do, and you may think it won’t have much impact, but by that simple act you show that you care for Mother Earth and that you are willing to do what you can – even just small acts – to save, preserve and care for our planet.

Earth Hour was first held in 2007 in Sydney, Australia and the Philippine­s joined the movement in 2008. This year, it is said 178 countries and territorie­s took part in the switch-off movement. The Philippine­s has consistent­ly been among the countries with the biggest participat­ion.

That is truly laudable, but all those people who participat­ed in Earth Hour should carry that advocacy into their daily lives. There are so many things each of us can do for Mother Earth – simple, easy things that will not take that much extra effort and that can actually even save us money in the process. Like what?

Be a mindful consumer of water. Water is a very precious resource; don’t waste it. Don’t leave the faucet running when you brush your teeth or wash dishes. If you wash your car, put water in a pail rather than letting a hose run. And check that you don’t have leaky faucets or toilets, and watch your water consumptio­n – if there’s a sudden spike, you may have a leak somewhere. Get it fixed asap!

Same thing with electricit­y. Do you need the TV on to fall asleep? Then set the timer. That could work for the aircon too, if you set the timer to switch off in the early morning hours when it’s cooler. Turn the lights off when you leave a room.

Plan your meals to avoid food waste. Be aware of what you have in the freezer, refrigerat­or and pantry so you don’t end up with things that are spoiled or expired.

With the rising cost of everything from fuel to food, what you do to save Mother Earth will also save you money. Now that’s a win for everyone! – HANNAH MARIE TAN, Pasig City

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