The Philippine Star

LIST: Need some guidance? Here are some local tarot card readers you can count on


It’s almost 2024, and this might be the best time to plan for a productive and harmonious year. If you aren’t sure where to start or are having difficulty processing all the experience­s you learned so far, why not consult with a tarot card reader?

Apart from getting insights from your horoscope, an excellent way to know more about your past, present, and future self is through tarot card reading, where you can ask questions about love, career, and self-developmen­t, excluding legal and medical queries.

If you need clarity, healing energy, and guidance, PhilSTAR L!fe rounded up some local tarot readers you can count on. Just note that readings are merely a guide and not a “blueprint” of what will happen in your life.


You might have come across Mary of The High Priestess on YouTube or TikTok, where she provides her viewers with messages they can resonate with. But did you know she also offers enlightenm­ent through personal tarot readings? She does them differentl­y depending on your needs: Janus for past and future insights, Aphrodite for relationsh­ips, and Genao for shedding light from your past life, among others.

Her services start at P999 for a 15-minute session, and readings are sent to your provided email address as a video recording.

Book a reading via her Instagram page at @thehigh_ priestesss. You can also get tarot-inspired intention candles from her that you can meditate with to manifest or send your messages and energy out into the universe.


Gabriel is an Intuitive Tarot Reader, Spiritual Transforma­tion Coach, Certified Hypnothera­pist, Past Life Regression Specialist, and Holistic Energy Healer.

He offers services such as past life tarot reading and regression as well as soulmate and twin flames tarot consultati­on for clarity about soul connection with a specific person, applicable for those in separation and those in union for better relationsh­ip foundation. He does readings about love in all forms.

Book a session with him via Instagram at @iamgabriel.tarot.


Spiritual coach and Vedic astrologer Essil Gandhi offers 13 different tarot readings, covering topics such as Dhyana for clarity of mind, heart, and spirit; Hakini for improvemen­t or healing in relationsh­ips; Rudra for guidance in achieving goals; and Kundali for spiritual compatibil­ity between you and your partner.

If you’re new to this and aren’t sure yet what kind of reading to choose, she offers Gyan, an introducti­on to tarot reading where you can ask two light questions within 30 minutes. Those with a busy schedule can also opt for Buddhi, an offline reading you can return to any time.

Her services range from P888 to P2,222. Depending on your reading, they last for 30 minutes to two hours.

Book her services at celessya. com/essil.


El has been a self-taught intuitive tarot reader since 2005 and a certified reiki practition­er who aims to bring her clients a sense of truth and clarity.

She offers four readings: a vibe check to help one understand your current situation and where you should head next; career growth for those seeking better opportunit­ies; heart opener for romantic relationsh­ip matters, applicable to those who are single or currently in a relationsh­ip; and guiding cross, which is a 10-card reading for deeper insights on any situation.

Her services range from P550 to P2,800. Readings are sent via e-mail.

Book a session with her at


Alyssa Dimaculang­an of The Blessed Bhie is a spiritual podcaster and a tarot reader.

She offers eight different tarot readings covering topics that could help you understand your current situation and guide you about your career and romantic relationsh­ips, be it basic or in-depth reading. She also offers citrine reading for an unlimited card reading session.

Her services are done online via Zoom from 30 minutes to one hour. Prices range from P888 to P3,333, depending on your chosen service.

Offline services, meanwhile, cover love queries, quick audio messages, and a spicy truthspill­er reading if you feel like being “called out” about some issues.

Readings are sent via Instagram, Telegram, or Facebook Messenger. Her services range from P499 to P999.

Book a reading with The Blessed Bhie at

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 ?? ?? Mary of The High Priestess
Mary of The High Priestess
 ?? ?? Gabriel Thoth
Gabriel Thoth
 ?? ?? Essil Gandhi
Essil Gandhi
 ?? ?? El Tarocchi
El Tarocchi

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