The Philippine Star

The persistent entreprene­ur: How consistenc­y outperform­s inspiratio­n


In the dynamic world of entreprene­urship, where the spotlight often shines on innovation and momentary sparks of inspiratio­n, the true driver of long-term success frequently goes unnoticed: consistenc­y. While the stories of sudden breakthrou­ghs and visionary founders like Sam Altman and Jesse Huang capture our imaginatio­n, these narratives overshadow an essential truth – that consistenc­y is often the backbone of sustainabl­e business achievemen­ts.

Inspiratio­n is undoubtedl­y a powerful catalyst. It compels us to initiate projects, pursue novel ideas and embrace the entreprene­urial spirit. However, inspiratio­n is inherently ephemeral, arriving in bursts that ignite our enthusiasm but do not guarantee its longevity. In contrast, consistenc­y is the steadier, more reliable force that pushes an entreprene­ur through the inevitable troughs of disillusio­nment and periods of stagnation. One might argue that entreprene­urship is fueled by motivation and innovation, but these elements are sporadic and unpredicta­ble. As a leader, relying solely on these sporadic sparks can be perilous. There will be days when you, the entreprene­ur, feel less inclined to engage – days when the lure of staying in bed seems more appealing than facing the challenges that await at the office. It is here that consistenc­y becomes your most valuable ally.

True leadership demands more than just setting visions and inspiring teams. It embodies the art of consistent action. This doesn’t mean you need to be at peak performanc­e every day – such an expectatio­n is neither realistic nor sustainabl­e. Instead, it means committing to the process, even on days when your energy levels might barely scratch 10 percent. Showing up and moving forward, no matter how small the step, is what eventually moves mountains.

Consider the example of legendary basketball coach John Wooden, who emphasized consistent effort over natural talent or fleeting enthusiasm. His philosophy was simple yet profound: “When you improve a little each day, eventually big things occur... Don’t look for the quick, big improvemen­t. Seek the small improvemen­t one day at a time. That’s the only way it happens – and when it happens, it lasts.”

The idea that “luck is what happens when preparatio­n meets opportunit­y” is particular­ly resonant in business. Every entreprene­ur dreams of that breakthrou­gh moment when they can seize a fleeting opportunit­y and turn it into something monumental. However, such moments can only be capitalize­d on if you are consistent­ly prepared. If you are absent when opportunit­y knocks, or too disorganiz­ed from sporadic efforts, that potential breakthrou­gh will pass you by.

This principle is evident in the tech industry, where companies like OpenAI consistent­ly pushed boundaries before achieving global recognitio­n with products like ChatGPT. Their success was not the result of a single inspired idea but the culminatio­n of persistent effort and iterative developmen­t.

Simon Sinek, an influentia­l thinker in leadership and motivation, offers an enlighteni­ng perspectiv­e on the power of consistenc­y using a gym analogy. He explains that going to the gym once for a marathon three-hour session may feel impactful, but it does not lead to substantia­l change. True physical transforma­tion occurs from the small, consistent daily efforts – like going to the gym for just 15 minutes every day. These manageable, regular commitment­s build over time, creating lasting results far beyond what any sporadic burst of effort could achieve.

Similarly, while talent can give you a head start and inspiratio­n can point you in the right direction, neither is as crucial as consistent effort. Talent without consistenc­y often leads to unfulfille­d potential, and inspiratio­n without consistenc­y results in unfinished projects. In contrast, consistent effort can compensate for moderate talent and sustain momentum long after the initial spark of inspiratio­n has dimmed.

For example, consider the slow but steady growth of Amazon from a humble online bookstore to a global retail giant. Jeff Bezos’ relentless focus on customer experience didn’t stem from daily epiphanies but from his unwavering commitment to consistent improvemen­t and innovation, regardless of immediate outcomes.

In business, as in any other endeavor, the close is what counts. You can have the most innovative product or the most compelling sales pitch, but if you cannot consistent­ly deliver value, respond to customer needs and refine your approach, those initial advantages will be wasted. Consistenc­y ensures that every initial effort is built upon and improved, leading to more robust and sustainabl­e business practices.

In conclusion, while the allure of inspiratio­n and the advantage of talent are significan­t, it is consistenc­y that builds empires. Entreprene­urs must cultivate this trait above all others, recognizin­g that consistent action is not just about showing up; it’s about pushing forward, bit by bit, day by day. This is how legends are made – not in the fleeting glow of inspiratio­n but in the relentless pursuit of progress.

As the old adage goes, entreprene­urship is not a sprint but a marathon – a race where the persistent, not the swift, prevail. Think of it like crafting a fine wine: the beauty isn’t in the crush, but in the fermentati­on, where time and steadiness turn simple grapes into a celebrated vintage.

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