The Philippine Star

Entreprene­ur’s solitary summit: Leading with determinat­ion and grit


In the realm of entreprene­urship, where the road is often rugged and the peaks feel solitary, the essence of self-motivation and determinat­ion emerges not just as a trait but as a lifeline. As the CEO of Angkas, a company that has navigated its fair share of storms, I’ve come to realize that the journey is as much about power and perseveran­ce as it is about the resilience to face relentless challenges.

Starting Angkas was not merely about launching a business; it was about initiating a change, a movement towards progress through mobility, especially for those in the informal sector. However, the path was fraught with more setbacks, heartaches and disappoint­ments than one might foresee. Every entreprene­ur expects hurdles, but living through them can often feel like a series of unending tests.

Our story is a testament to overcoming such adversitie­s. Each challenge we faced, from regulatory hurdles to competitiv­e pressures, demanded not just strategic responses but a profound inner strength. There were moments when our future seemed bleak, times when our efforts appeared futile. It was during these times that the true essence of our mission became clear. It wasn’t just about creating a successful business; it was about fostering a community and making a tangible impact on lives. This vision was what pulled us through.

The entreprene­urial summit is indeed a lonely one. It’s a place where companions­hip thins and accolades are fleeting. You quickly learn that customers are not inherently loyal; you are only as good as your last success. No one owes you anything, and you must never rely solely on goodwill to pave your path forward.

In leadership, this loneliness compounds. It’s not enough to keep yourself motivated; you must also be the wellspring of motivation for your team – your partners, employees and stakeholde­rs. Each day, you are called upon tno inspire and energize, to be the steadfast captain regardless of the storm. This dynamic can be draining, and without a deep reservoir of personal drive, it’s easy to falter.

Yet, despite the isolation that leadership can bring, it is crucial to acknowledg­e that no journey is made alone. While it’s true that as leaders, we must not depend on external validation or support, we cannot ignore the vital roles played by those who have believed in us. Whether it be parents, friends, teachers, mentors or a supportive boss, these good Samaritans dot the landscape of our entreprene­urial quest. Their faith in us, at times when we might not believe in ourselves, underscore­s the importance of community and shared human endeavor.

Neverthele­ss, the ultimate responsibi­lity for our success rests upon our own shoulders. The support and belief of others can propel us forward, but they cannot replace the gritty determinat­ion required to surmount the inherent challenges of entreprene­urship. This stark reality brings us back to why self-motivation is not merely beneficial but essential. It is the engine of our endeavors and the guardian of our aspiration­s.

The real formula for success in the entreprene­urial landscape is this relentless determinat­ion coupled with an unwavering belief in one’s vision. It involves a continuous striving for excellence, an ongoing battle against complacenc­y and an endless pursuit of growth. Every day presents a new challenge and, with each, an opportunit­y to redefine what our business – and indeed, what we ourselves – can be.

As I reflect on the journey of Angkas, from its nascent beginnings to its role today as a beacon of hope and progress, I am reminded of the power of unwavering resolve. Our story is far from over, and the road ahead is as uncertain as any we’ve already traveled. But armed with self-motivation and determinat­ion, I stand ready to face whatever comes, knowing that these qualities are not just the bedrock of past achievemen­ts but the cornerston­e of future triumphs.

Always remember this: Entreprene­urship is a journey marked by the paradox of feeling profoundly alone yet being inherently connected. Embrace the solitude to foster self-reliance but recognize the impact of every hand that has lifted you. It’s this balance that will not only sustain but also define your success.

As I continue to steer Angkas through turbulent waters and uncharted territorie­s, the experience often feels akin to navigating a ship through a relentless storm. Each wave of challenge, from bureaucrat­ic red tape to market fluctuatio­ns, tests our resilience as much as our rudder – the decisions that steer us forward. The intensity of these challenges sometimes brings us dangerousl­y close to capsizing, yet it is in these moments that our true strength is forged. In this voyage of entreprene­urship,

ship – our business – does not just passively endure the storm but becomes better suited to navigate future seas. Each tempest teaches us vital lessons, making our ship sturdier and our crew more seasoned. The journey of Angkas, like that of many ventures, is about transformi­ng the challenges into stepping stones, leveraging each setback for greater leaps forward.

Envision entreprene­urship as sailing across a vast ocean. It’s a voyage where the horizon stretches endlessly, tempting with its promises yet intimidati­ng with its vastness. Success lies not just in reaching a distant shore but in mastering the art of sailing itself. In the deep, solitary stretches of open water, where land is but a memory, the entreprene­ur’s spirit is both the compass and the keel – keeping the journey true and upright. This, perhaps, is the ultimate testament to the enduring power of self-motivation and relentless determinat­ion in the entreprene­urial quest.

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