United News - English Edition

Will vp sara hang on to deped?


IS THE PRESIDENT now shopping for a new Secretary of Education? First Lady Liza Araneta Marcos sent the internet abuzz this weekend when her noholds-barred interview with Anthony Taberna was uploaded and consumed with gusto by an anticipati­ng public.

The anticipati­on rode on the FL’s body language indicating an intense dislike of Sara Duterte.


The interview did not disappoint. The FL dissed the vice president over her attendance in “prayer” or “peace” rallies organized by groups identified with her family where the main topic was President Bongbong’s alleged involvemen­t in illegal substances.

The FL referred to that one rally in Davao City which the VP attended right after gracing another rally organized by the administra­tion in Manila intended to unify the nation. In that Davao rally, former President Rodrigo Duterte called PBBM “bangag” or “high” to the approving roar of his local constituen­cy.

The FL read the VP’s attendance as a stamp of approval of the oust-Marcos battle-cry in the Davao rally.


Is the President trying to fire the Secretary of Education through his wife?

The question cannot be helped. PBBM is perceived to be allergic to dealing with conflict in his backyard. He has consistent­ly been defending the VP despite the Duterte family’s loud opposing views on Apollo Quiboloy, charter change, and the West Philippine Sea.

Members of the Cabinet must enjoy the full trust and confidence of the President. Unless the President formally rejects them, the acts of Cabinet members are presumed by law to be acts of the chief executive himself.

Can PBBM honestly tell himself that the DepEd Secretary continues to enjoy his complete confidence? Or are his gentlemanl­y ways getting in the way?


The vice president is the constituti­onal successor of the president. This was tested in practical terms when Gloria Arroyo succeeded Joseph Estrada when he was ousted because of alleged involvemen­t in jueteng – an illegal numbers game.

That VP Sara can no longer be chummy with the FL is plain to see. She is a breath away from the presidency yet she allows her father, her brothers, and allies in the Davao group to call for the president’s ouster in crass and vulgar terms.

One congressma­n even called for the Armed Forces to withdraw support from the head of State. Only BBM’s placid exterior can hide the burning embers of discontent within his nuclear and official families.


Yesterday the VP responded by largely referring to the more pressing problems that confront the nation. She did not hint at resignatio­n because the FL’s personal feelings have nothing to do with her official duties.

Is this sound, politicall­y? Can VP Sara continue to plant her feet on two opposing camps without jeopardizi­ng her chances in 2028?

Former Sen. Leila de Lima has identified the conundrum: the VP can either resign the Cabinet and openly support her family’s tirades against the President, or distance herself from those sentiments and align with Marcos in condemning anti-administra­tion rallies.

For most people the choice is easy.

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