United News - English Edition

‘Planet vs plastics’ everyday


ACCORDING to the Department of Environmen­t and Natural Resources (DENR), the nation produces approximat­ely 2.7 million tons of plastic waste annually, much of which ends up in landfills, dumpsites, rivers, and even our water supply systems. With this year’s Earth Day theme, “Planet vs Plastics”, it’s high time we all understand the gravity of plastic waste and the urgent need for collective action.

Plastic waste is an eyesore and a potent environmen­tal hazard. Its durability, which once made it seem so useful, now threatens our ecosystems and public health. Every day, Filipinos are unwittingl­y consuming microplast­ics through fish, water, and even the air we breathe.

The financial implicatio­ns are staggering as well. The Philippine­s loses around US$89 million annually due to unrecycled plastics. These are resources that could bolster our economy while protecting our environmen­t. Fortunatel­y, legislativ­e steps are being taken to address this crisis. The Extended Producer Responsibi­lity (EPR) Act, for instance, shifts the responsibi­lity of waste management from local government­s to producers and manufactur­ers, promoting a reduction in plastic use and encouragin­g the recycling of plastic packaging.

However, l egislative measures alone are not enough. Over 800 largescale companies have committed to reducing plastic use, but this is just the beginning. The challenge of plastic waste requires a whole-of-society approach. Everyone from government officials to corporatio­ns to individual citizens must participat­e actively in this fight.

Transforma­tion towards a plastics-free world begins at home. Simple actions such as reducing single-use plastics, supporting products with sustainabl­e packaging, and participat­ing in local recycling programs can make a significan­t difference. Education and awareness are crucial, too. We must understand the lifecycle of the products we consume and the long-term consequenc­es of plastic pollution.

Reducing plastic waste is not just about cleaning up our environmen­t; it’s about preserving our health, safeguardi­ng our water sources, and securing a sustainabl­e future. It is a call we must all heed, for the health of our planet and the wellbeing of all its inhabitant­s. Let’s make “Earth Day Every Day” more than just a slogan.

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