Watchmen Daily Journal

Crossword Puzzle



1. Smell

6. Discharged a debt

10. Wri en leave of absence

14. Mature

15. Skin condi on

16. Plant with fleshy spiny leaves

17. Spotless

18. Small bunch or bundle 19. Noisy

20. Hair dye

21. Distribute playing cards

23. Country, ini ally

24. Part of the mouth

27. Trampled

29. Progenitor

34. Also

35. Subject or object, can be common or proper

36. Talon

38. Op cal device

42. Civil wrong

43. Custom

45. Unaccompan­ied

46. Neutral

48. Rend

49. At the summit

50. Wonderment

52. Barren

54. Sobbing

58. Pig pen

59. An evil spell

60. Adhesive

62. A roughly built hut

67. Part of the eye

69. Small island

71. Keepsake or souvenir 72. Storage tower

73. Remain

74. Strike out 75. Acute or sharp 76. Voice quality 77. Regenerate


1. Curved shape

2. Irritate

3. Overt

4. Miserly

5. Chronologi­cal account of events

6. Animal foot

7. Corrosive material 8. Gusset

9. Leave

10. Buddy

11. Not silently

12. Cook in a marinade 13. A closed li er for one passenger

22. Closed circuit

25. Strong, restless desire 26. Arc c or Antarc c regions

28. Ver cal back fin

29. Not in favor of

30. Midday

31. Remedy

32. Ensnare

33. Overzealou­s

37. Married women

39. Scin lla

40. Gambling machine

41. Move around slowly and aimlessly

44. Evaluate

47. Small branch

51. Join the military

53. Marine mollusk

54. Mixer

55. Strange and frightenin­g

56. Expatriate

57. Zest 61. Flair

63. Opening or perfora on

64. Similar in quality or character

65. Yield

66. Had experience of 68. Male offspring

70. Center of a storm

 ??  ??

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