Watchmen Daily Journal

Horoscope Your Daily



Today, Aries, you might get the chance to take a trip around the world to visit fabulous palaces and experience a meless love, and all ‐ get this ‐ totally free! This could be called a sensi vity test to the universe of Walt Disney. Goodness knows that you aren’t a total stranger to it! By now, you’ve learned from hard experience that fantasylan­d is for Mickey Mouse.


You will float today, Taurus. You won’t talk, you will be sleepy, and your mood won’t be the best. OK, perfect! Get back into your novel, take several siestas, and do as li&le as possible, because that’s what you want to do. Don’t worry, busy beaver, this period will pass. And you know what? You aren’t alone here. It happens to everyone from me to me. Flow with it.


You’re certainly in a strange mood today, Gemini. True, things have been going smoothly for the past few days, but be careful not to be fooled. Pride goes before a fall, as they say. Today you should be wary of your behavior toward your lover. Your partner’s a*tude may dismay you, but you’re the one who has strayed from reality. Stay away from any trigger points that could explode into an argument.


It will be as though you’re in a new and hopeful world today, Cancer. The people you meet will be cordial and caring, and the future will seem like a bright, a&rac ve place to live. In other words, it’s like a fabulous dream, and the alarm clock is bound to wake you up soon. True, the glorious feeling won’t last long, so take advantage of the day. Reality is sweet at mes.


Because you have a tendency to brood over everything right now, Leo, a day like this can’t be anything but beneficial. It has been difficult for you to find sa sfac on within the realm of the known world lately, but today offers you a journey into another percep on, one that’s intangible and unreal. You may find it gra fying, especially if you try some ar s c, esoteric, or religious ac vity.


There are days when you feel wonderful without being able to a&ribute the feeling to any real event. Of course, your ra onal mind will search for a reason for your happiness. But if you count the number of mes when you do things against your will, it becomes obvious that logic and reason don’t always apply to this world. Don’t even try to understand. Just enjoy!


The day ahead should be excellent, Libra. For the past several days you’ve been searching for meaning in life. There have been changes in your chief occupa on, new rela onships, burs ng ambi ons. Today you can let all of that soul searching go. You’re likely to whip up a huge mixture of the whole experience and be grateful for the thrilling life you lead right now!


You will probably be perfectly in tune with the day ahead, Scorpio. Of course, it’s temp ng to run away from the reality and hardships of the moment. But at other mes, when you’re so compassion­ate and find it easy to listen, like today, life is really rewarding. People find your company soothing and pleasant, and they’re likely to thank you for it. Aren’t days like this great?


Don’t try to control what happens today, Sagi&arius, because you won’t be able to fathom what’s going on. How could it be otherwise when collec ve currents are interferin­g with your life? You may do some soul‐ searching because you may feel that you’re only a grain of sand in a vast universe. Don’t spend too much

me staring at your belly bu&on. Look around you for some of the answers.


This kind of strange day doesn’t come around oUen, Capricorn. It will seem as though you no longer know what you want. Do you have a yen to take off for the other side of the globe? People won’t understand you, and you will think that explaining yourself is pointless. The best thing to do may be to unplug from your usual ac vi es and go for a walk. You have nothing to lose.


Do other countries represent real openings for you? This is a ques on that you will soon have to answer. This may be true, but it may also be an illusion that gives you a simplis c explana on for the dissa sfac on you feel now in your profession­al life. Think about it, because some important decisions you’re about to make depend on it. You aren’t the only one to consider, either.


You’re going to think this is a strange period. It isn’t, Pisces. It’s just that today won’t be like others. Look around and you will see that people are either depressed or trying to keep up a good façade. It’s as if lots people‐ you in par cular‐ are being confronted by their dreams without being able to act on them. This isn’t an easy situa on to be in.

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