Watchmen Daily Journal

Crossword Puzzle



1. Boast

5. One me

9. Blocking vote

13. Acquire by efforts or ac ons

14. Rural area

16. Iniquity

17. Chills and fever

18. Toil

19. Transmit

20. Send money in payment

22. Tex le with a woven design

24. Weep

26. Jump

27. Scuffle

30. Shellfish

35. Crib

36. Drench

39. Terpsichor­e

40. Motor vehicle

42. Visual representa on of data

44. Young elephant

45. Fragrance

47. Addic ve narco c

49. Rodent

50. Menace

52. Red Bordeaux wine

54. Food

57. Prevarica on

58. Recall

62. Exact duplicate

66. Small inlet

67. Danger

69. Being the only one

70. Kind of tournament

71. One of the senses

72. Smell

73. Curve

74. Encounter

75. Short le=er


1. Bruin

2. Fury

3. Starch

4. Laminated metamorphi­c rock

5. Nocturnal bird

6. Orderly

7. Fac on

8. Run away together to marry

9. Waistcoat

10. At any me

11. Diminu ve

12. Of long dura on

15. A cherished desire

21. Flip

23. Sharp hand shovel

25. Online journal

27. One of the senses

28. Express audibly

29. Currency unit

31. Pouch

32. Trap

33. Enthusias c approval 34. Remaining

35. Actors in a play

37. Deplete

38. Long narra ve poem

41. Single

43. Frame or body of a ship 46. Domes cated

48. Injure or wound seriously

51. En ce

53. Think logically

55. At right angles to the length of a ship

56. Laconic

58. A strong line

59. FiVy‐fiVy

60. Repair

61. Customary observance or prac ce 63. Commo on

64. Coagulate

65. This place

66. Adult male swan 68. Allow

 ??  ??

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