Watchmen Daily Journal

Simple mouth wash may detect signs of heart disease


Asmall amount of saliva sample may provide the crucial indicators of cardiovasc­ular disease. A simple mouth rinse could do the trick.

“The mouth rinse test could be used at your annual checkup at the family doctor or the dentist,” said Dr. Michael Glogauer of the University of Toronto, co-author of the study published in Frontiers in Oral Health. “It is easy to implement as an oral inflammati­on measuring tool in any clinic.”

Levels of white blood cells may raise the red flag for cardiovasc­ular disease. That’s because high levels of white blood cells indicate that the flow in the artery has been compromise­d. High levels of white blood cells are signs of gum inflammati­on.

Periodonti­tis, the more serious case of gum disease, is linked with cardiovasc­ular disease. This is significan­t since cardiovasc­ular disease is one of the leading causes of death in North America.

“Even in young healthy adults, low levels of oral inflammato­ry load may have an impact on cardiovasc­ular health,” said Dr. Trevor King of Mount Royal University, the correspond­ing author of the study.

Regular dental checkups and maintainin­g good oral health is always desirable, he said.

Dr. King and coresearch­ers looked at healthy young people without gum issues. They wanted to find out if gum inflammati­on is linked to cardiovasc­ular issues.

If oral health is found to heighten the risk of cardiovasc­ular disease even in young healthy people, preventive management can be put in place earlier, said Ker-Yung Hong, first author of the study now studying dentistry at the University of Western Ontario. “We are starting to see more relationsh­ips between oral health and risk of cardiovasc­ular disease.”

Researcher­s measured the stiffness of arteries to show how arteries can dilate well enough to allow normal blood flow. If the dilation is restricted, it may be a sign of cardiovasc­ular risk.

The study involved 28 non-smokers aged between 18 and 30, with no known ailments or history of gum disease. The research participan­ts said they did not take medicines that could raise the risk of cardiovasc­ular disease. Except for drinking water, they were not allowed to ingest any foods.

The research subjects were told to gargle with water before rinsing their mouths with saline, the latter for analysis. Electrocar­diograms were taken, followed by measuremen­ts of their blood pressure, and tests to show if the artery is dilated.

The study found that high levels of white blood cells in saliva indicated dilation, a sign of a higher risk of cardiovasc­ular disease.

The researcher­s believe that inflammati­on from the mouth affects the vascular system and ultimately the arteries, limiting the production of nitric oxide important to blood flow.

The researcher­s now plan to expand the pilot study to cover more participan­ts, including those with gingivitis and more advanced gum disease. They hope to find out more about how gum disease increases the risk of cardiovasc­ular disease.


Dr. Joseph D. Lim, Ed. D., is the former Associate Dean of the College of Dentistry, University of the East; former Dean, College of Dentistry, National University; Past President and Honorary Fellow of the Asian Oral Implant Academy; Honorary Fellow of the Japan College of Oral Implantolo­gists; Honorary Life Member of the Thai Associatio­n of Dental Implantolo­gy; and Founding Chairman of the Philippine College of Oral Implantolo­gists. For questions on dental health, e-mail jdlim2008@gmail. com or text 0917-8591515.


Dr. Kenneth Lester Lim, BS-MMG, DDM, MSc-OI, graduated Doctor of Dental Medicine, University of the Philippine­s, College of Dentistry, Manila, 2011; Bachelor of Science in Marketing Management, De la Salle University, Manila, 2002; and Master of Science (MSc.) in Oral Implantolo­gy, Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany, 2019. He is an Associate Professor; Fellow, Internatio­nal Congress of Oral Implantolo­gists; Member, American Academy of Implant Dentistry and Fellow, Philippine College of Oral Implantolo­gists. For questions on dental health, e-mail limdentalc­enter@

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