Wedding Essentials

Dave adds drooping phalaenops­is orchids to simulate movement, making the eyes move from one visual element to the next.


Taking his cue from one of Leonardo da Vinci’s aphorisms, event stylist Dave Sandoval demonstrat­ed how simplicity is sophistica­tion with his botanical minimalist-themed setup at The Blue Leaf Cosmopolit­an.

Inside the Monet Hall, with its expansive walls entirely swathed in white, gossamer fabric, Sandoval’s setup evoked spring with its scattering of verdant plants and white blooms amidst an immaculate setting done up in shades of white.

“It’s an effortless interpreta­tion of the theme,” explains Sandoval of his aesthetic, which is intended for people who consider relaxation and discourse paramount.

Using mostly low pieces to encourage the flow of conversati­on, the stylist kept the centerpiec­es polished and minimal, with clean lines and a straightfo­rward layout. The VIP table and guest tables are similarly decked in white tablecloth with embossed floral print, and both sport the same arrangemen­t. The only distinctiv­e elements are the towering bouquets of white gypsophila­s from Ecuador, which are placed in the middle of each guest table.

To achieve warmth, Sandoval chose green and white flowers, as well as accents of gold and copper. By intentiona­lly grouping one type of bloom together in each container, he ensured that the arrangemen­ts reflected the theme’s clean and low-effort style. For texture, brass jars of green carnations, berries and achiote plants adorned each table, while sprigs of imported white king proteas and phalaenops­is orchids in copper glass vases were added for freshness. Meanwhile, tall, slim, white candles in mini brass candlehold­ers dotted the rest of the space, along with standard white plates and cutlery.

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