Wedding Essentials

A Good Laugh Worth Rememberin­g


March 16 was our anniversar­y since 2001. Yes, Yosef and I have been together since high school. For the most part, we just decided to always choose to love each other each day.

This was tested during our wedding preparatio­n.

We always loved the beach. Our first trip as a couple was in Batangas, then Boracay. We have been in most of the islands in he Philippine­s. So initially, we thought we should have a beach wedding. That time I had my eye on the stilts and quaint chapel of Hacienda Moreno in Calatagan, Batangas.

The travel was just too far considerin­g the elderly guests we invited. So we opted to check Tagaytay’s San Antonio de Padua. Oh, we just fell in love with the ambiance and the fact that it offered a lot of parking spaces. Problem was March 16 was a Monday and they don’t do weddings on Mondays. We had to agree to move the date a day earlier then.

The reception venue was the Balai Taal. This private estate of gardens overlookin­g Taal Lake was the perfect pick and it just melted our hearts when we first saw it. We booked the place right there and then.

When one never thought things would go wrong, you just sometimes find yourself in the middle of some unexpected circumstan­ces. A few days before the wedding, I was already in my “bridezilla” mode, when the choir we booked just suddenly cancelled. For some reason I never got to find out really, we had to fix it and change the program to include just a wedding singer and a musical duo at the last minute.

On the eve of the wedding, giveaways of succulent plants transporte­d from Baguio to Tagaytay were still being packed

and labelled with care cards. Friends who came in helped us out packed all 150 pieces of these. Yosef was busy with items we needed transporte­d from Paranaque to Tagaytay.

Of all days, it was on the day of the wedding that some funny things happened. When I was just getting ready to be made up, I was worried that my makeup artist was not around yet. Then I received a text message from him: “Trish, kanina pa ako nandito. Hindi ako makapasok. Tumatahol yung aso nyo.”

OMG, I totally forgot about my golden retriever tied by the door way. And everyone there just blurted with laughter.

Then, my ride came. It was a bright-yellow restored Volkswagen Kombi owned by a friend who offered for us to use it for my bridal car. I was on board with my wedding coordinato­r when the driver asked me directions on how to get to the church. I don’t know why we didn’t use Waze that time and just relied on my rusty memory on how to get to the church from Balai Taal. We finally found our way to our destinatio­n.

Soon as I got down, and while waiting, I thought I needed a smoke to calm my nerves down. And like in funny movies, my lighted cigarette got caught on the veil I was wearing and burned part of it. I got so freaked out but still managed to compose myself and walked the aisle as calmly as I could. As soon as I did, everything faded out to just the very essence of why we were all there that day. All I was thinking about was: “I am getting married to that man at the end of this aisle—my teenage sweetheart and best friend—the one who calms my anxious heart.”

Looking back, what truly made our wedding memorable was actually all the bloopers that happened that day and how we made it through. It was a good laugh worth rememberin­g!

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 ??  ?? 01 ABOVE As a wedding photograph­er, Yosef has given out countless jump shot instructio­ns. Here he is on the receiving end this time… with interestin­g results.
01 ABOVE As a wedding photograph­er, Yosef has given out countless jump shot instructio­ns. Here he is on the receiving end this time… with interestin­g results.
 ??  ?? 02 LEFT Wedding elements should be reflection­s of the couple’s personalit­ies and these invitation­s and RSVP cards produced by Printsonal­ities are no exception.
02 LEFT Wedding elements should be reflection­s of the couple’s personalit­ies and these invitation­s and RSVP cards produced by Printsonal­ities are no exception.
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