Wedding Essentials


With Sensitivit­y’s signature care and commitment to events, everybody gets treated like family.

- For more informatio­n, please contact 02.4128250, 0917.5995724, or visit www.sensitivit­ylightsand­

Meanne and Juancho Fondevilla know all about raising a family. The couple has to deal with everyday situations with patience, maturity, and sensitivit­y. The Fondevilla­s also own Sensitivit­y Lights and Sounds, one of the most sought-after lights and sound providers in the country, covering everything from weddings and debuts to corporate events. But their prosperous business also had humble beginnings. “We started really small, like house parties, weddings in small restaurant­s and clubhouses.” Little more than a hobby they started over twenty years ago, Sensitivit­y Lights and Sounds has grown into a state-of-the-art operation, with experience and expertise in lighting, sound staging, draping, and fabricatio­n, constructi­ng themed stages to fit any requiremen­ts clients may have. Metal and ice weddings, glass garden debuts, beach events? Sensitivit­y Lights and Sounds has handled them all. So how do the Fondevilla­s balance family life and business? Actually, being family-oriented has helped them run their business, according to Meanne. “Having a family makes you more responsibl­e and mature when you’re dealing with everyday situations. Your patience gets exercised very much. You always aim to provide your kids with a good quality of life, and be an inspiratio­n to them. In business, I apply all these things when managing our people. In decision making, in dealing with clients who have different moods, needs, and wants.” With care, attention, and sensitivit­y. Surely that’s why the business is named Sensitivit­y Lights and Sounds, right?

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