Wedding Essentials

My First, My Last, My Only Love


Lauren was actually my first girlfriend. How lucky and blessed I am to have been able to find her at such an early point in my life. Having her has saved me from a lifetime of heartaches and pain.

January 19, 2019 was the day I married the girl of my dreams. We were together for 13 years before we decided to tie the knot. And it was well worth the wait. Laura’s mom works overseas and has been away from home for 19 long years. She never got to see her children grow up. But by all means possible, she finally got to make arrangemen­ts to come to Manila for our wedding. Just a few days before the wedding date, we all went to see and meet her at the airport. The reunion brought everyone to tears and one can’t help but get carried away by that moment of joy. It was a beautiful sight of joyful tears.

We planned for an elegant but simple wedding and most of the task of coordinati­ng the details of the plan with suppliers was actually done by Lauren. For my part, I did an equally stressful task of agreeing to what was being presented, saying yes to my wife and signing cheques! (LOL)

We had our ceremony in one of the twin towers of the St. Francis Shangri-la Place. Friends and family came by from all over the world to join us in our celebratio­n of this special day. For that, we promised to give everyone a great time as well. So, secretly, two days before the wedding, I had my high school barkada prepare a number with me to surprise our guests during the reception program. The comedy number we did was videoed which I hope would never come to light. To make things worse, we performed after a very special number by my wife’s celebrity-singer cousin. Oh well, there was no backing out for me and my good friends whom I am so grateful for having spent time out from their busy schedules just to give in to my request. And yes, we had a great time.

We’ve been through a lot, me and Lauren, but we are happy that we way pass it all. The moment I found true love, I held on to it no matter the challenges and never let it go. I must have done something right…

Lauren is my first, my last and my only love for the rest of my life.

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