Wedding Essentials

A Dream Wedding Maker and His Own Dream Wedding


Years of elegant gastronomy and passionate service have been the anatomical embodiment of Juan Carlo; gaining a reputation that was hard-earned through layers of experience. From timetested family recipes passed down from three generation­s to the iconic and award-winning stylized gourmet set-up, Juan Carlo’s work has always been known to be remarkable.

This 2018, the challenge was to create an exceptiona­l wedding package that would outdo all the others—his own dream wedding. Being the only son of Alex Michael, founder of Juan Carlo The Caterer, one could imagine how word spread so fast and all the excitement built up as friends from the same industry and elite patrons received their iconic wedding invitation boxes. The top glass cover was embellishe­d with golden cursive J and S initials. The bottom glass slides away to display an array of expensive treats. In it were clear and strict instructio­ns for guests to wear formal black suits and evening gowns.

Alex, having done over 20,000 events in two decades, was faced with the greatest challenge of coming up with something he has never done before. And so he went to great lengths in spending millions to fabricate his own glass round tables. Consequent­ly, he went on creating his own personal line of tables, paddle boards, salad slates, charger plates all manufactur­ed by his own department.

Without holding back, Alex even flew in six chefs from different parts of the world to conceptual­ize an exquisite menu for the wedding reception dinner that is reflective of the cosmic theme they have chosen for the wedding.

Since the wedding begins in the midafterno­on, the objective was to keep the guests staying till sundown.

The plan was to present a banquet of entrées prepared by master chefs in a gastronomi­c theatrical performanc­e and keep everyone entertaine­d and inspired. Indeed, everyone shared and witnessed this magical moment specially appointed for Juan Carlo and Sofia Isabel—like two love stars amidst a whole Universe conspiring this fateful love affair.

Dinner was served over deep purple hues of astral lights and floral arrangemen­ts. Vibrant-colored food came out from smoky grey stones and wooden teardrop-shaped plates. Then Alex’s personal creation of round mirrored tables dramatical­ly gave an optical double-shadow effect to perfectly achieve the illusion of their universal theme of continuous creation. Such attention to detail were marked by Alex’s ingenuity.

Much to everyone’s delight was the reception’s grand entrance. Guests were welcomed to a classical light and dainty floral work in a space filled with beautiful tunes of soft melodies played by a 20-piece symphonic orchestra.


Manila Cathedral


Blue Leaf Filipinas


Juan Carlo the Caterer Inc.


La Belle Fete


Chef Castillo Fuentes


Print Divas


Gideon Hermosa


Photograph­y and Exige Weddings


Patricia Santos


Francis Libiran


Forrent and Legaseats


Don Robert’s & A Perfect Day Wedding Car

Mirrored cocktail tables and soft pastel curtains offered a calm and illumined backdrop. Cocktails were uniquely served by aerial bartenders dancing above and gently pouring out drinks to guests in very gentle and graceful movements.

A variety of seafood were served in wooden carved boats each floating on dry ice giving a freshwater illusion of a new catch.

Guests were treated to an abundant amount of crabs and slabs of uncut salmon as they grab a few glasses of wine from crystal-masked waitresses dressed as human chandelier­s.

As the clock struck 7 o’clock, lights were dimmed and the center draping slowly parted to reveal black masked ballerinas. Guests were all seated. Still mesmerized by the play of dancing lights, everyone was stunned at the sight of a white crystal-studded bride and a deep-blue suited groom taking the grand stage in an elegant walk of a new-found life together. Fireworks and laser lights shot up from the platform and the song “Like a

River” fittingly playing on, did justice to the couple’s finale pose.

The feast begun and guests stayed on unmindful of the ticking of the clock. Food servings were paraded all through the night in synchroniz­ed marching of waiters.

Truly a dream-wedding packed with nothing less than exceptiona­l!

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 ?? ?? 01 ABOVE These circular glass tables were specially made for the wedding and the final result is a thing of symmetrica­l beauty.
01 ABOVE These circular glass tables were specially made for the wedding and the final result is a thing of symmetrica­l beauty.
 ?? ?? 02 LEFT Guests were treated to an exquisite array of delectable dishes that does the Juan Carlo brand delicious justice.
02 LEFT Guests were treated to an exquisite array of delectable dishes that does the Juan Carlo brand delicious justice.
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