Wedding Essentials

In God’s Perfect Timing


On April 8, 2022, our stars collided as we finally said our vows and became husband and wife. However, our journey to the altar was far from easy. We faced numerous challenges along the way.

We had to reschedule our prenup shoot and wedding date multiple times. Just five months before our wedding, Typhoon Fabian hit, flooding roads and our photograph­er’s residence. We had to postpone the shoot, but the rains continued for days. We contemplat­ed moving the date, but we decided to embrace the reschedule­d day, rain or shine. Surprising­ly, the sun greeted us on that beautiful day.

Unfortunat­ely, our joy was short-lived. Soon after our prenup shoot, Von received a call about his mother having a severe stroke. Despite pandemic restrictio­ns, he tirelessly supported her in the hospital, taking shifts and providing care. Our wedding planning was put on hold as we hoped and prayed for his mother’s recovery.

Months passed, but her condition remained unchanged. Uncertain about the future, we sought a sign if we should proceed with our wedding in three months, but none came. After much discussion, we made the difficult decision to postpone our wedding and choose a later date.

However, our desire to be married overwhelme­d us a month before our original wedding day. We opted for an intimate civil ceremony at the Supreme Court, completing all necessary paperwork. Yet, fate had other plans.

Two days before our civil wedding, a work suspension was declared due to rising COVID cases, forcing us to consider postponing once again. Heartbroke­n, we felt so close yet so far from becoming husband and wife.

In the midst of confusion, we found solace in each other’s eyes, realizing that we needed to trust in God’s timing. We knew that everything would fall into place if we had faith.

Finally, our wedding day arrived. Free from jitters, we were both ready to embark on this lifelong journey. Despite our religious difference­s, we chose to be wed in a church, adapting the ceremony to include personal vows before the official proceeding­s.

During the reception, a remarkable moment unfolded. Von’s mom, who had been unable to walk, mustered the strength to stand and dance with her son during the mother-son dance. This unexpected sight brought tears of joy to our eyes and amazed our loved ones. It was a perfect, beautiful, and intimate celebratio­n filled with love.

Looking back, we now understand that the heartaches and cancellati­ons were God’s way of guiding us. Love is patient, and everything happens in His perfect timing. We learned to trust in Him and maintain our faith throughout the journey.

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