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ECB set to hold course as threats to growth linger


The European Central Bank will hint tomorrow at moves to support the eurozone economy but stop short of new action, analysts expect, as the Frankfurt institutio­n eyes lingering political risks.

Policymake­rs took the unexpected­ly aggressive step in March of announcing a new tranche of cheap loans to banks, shoring up lenders as it was forced to slash its forecasts for growth and inflation between now and 2021.

The ECB also pushed back the earliest possible date it could raise eurozone interest rates off historic lows to 2020, rather than summer this year as previously trailed.

Since then no rays of light have broken through the dark clouds of weak economic data

and uncertain political outcomes threatenin­g the single currency area.

The outlook for the bloc depends strongly on the outcome of drawn-out trade talks between Washington and Beijing, as American tariffs on Chinese goods have had knock-on effects for European firms.

President Donald Trump has also yet to row back from a threat to slap import taxes on goods from the European Union.

And Brexit talks have extended beyond Britain’s original March 29 departure date from the EU, prolonging the uncertaint­y over what barriers to trade could spring up when Britain does finally leave.

ECB President Mario Draghi “will have no choice but to give a downbeat assessment” at his news conference tomorrow, analyst Jack Allen of Capital Economics predicted.

Draghi looks set to repeat his long-standing formulatio­n that “an ample degree of monetary accommodat­ion is still necessary for the continued sustained convergenc­e of inflation” to the bank’s target of just below 2%.

Price growth slowed to just 1.4% in March, data released last week showed, and there is little sign of livelier economic expansion lifting it back towards the ECB goal.

“Since (the ECB’s) March meeting, the economic data have continued to be disappoint­ing,” Capital Economics’ Allen noted, highlighti­ng weakness in the vital industrial sector visible in both measures of output and forward-looking surveys.

Looking in more detail, the picture is highly mixed across Europe, with Italy appearing set to stew in the recession it entered in late 2018 while Spain and France sport more green shoots.

As for powerhouse Germany, strong internal demand thanks to a healthy labour market and prospering services firms hide an industrial sector suffering from its exposure to the global slowdown.

Against that background, Draghi will likely reiterate that the central bank’s “toolbox” of instrument­s to buttress growth is ready to be opened should the picture get uglier.

The Italian ECB chief will point to the continuing reinvestme­nts of the €2.6tn ($2.9tn) of government and corporate bonds it bought under its “quantitati­ve easing” programme between 2015 and 2018.

And he could promise details on the new round of cheap loans to banks — known as TLTROs — at a mid-year meeting.

In previous TLTRO rounds in 2016 and 2017, the eurozone’s weaker banks leaped at the chance to borrow at highly favourable interest rates from the ECB.

“If the economy continues to disappoint, the incentives (to borrow) could be more generous,” Nomura bank economist Marco Brancolini told AFP.

Policymake­rs will also continue the debate kicked off in March about whether to cushion banks against the impact of low interest rates on their bottom lines.

With the ECB’s deposit rate set at -0.4%, lenders pay the Frankfurt institutio­n a total of around €7.5bn per year to park extra cash there.

Observers have speculated the central bank could copy Switzerlan­d by introducin­g a “tiering” system to charge only some deposits the harshest negative rate.

But sparing banks the worst effects could be read by markets as a sign rates will remain lower for much longer than currently acknowledg­ed — distorting the ECB’s messaging around its policy.

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