Gulf Times

Russian, Syrian authoritie­s set up centre for refugees


Russia’s Defence Ministry said yesterday that Russian and Syrian authoritie­s had set up a refugee centre in Syria to help refugees return home from abroad.

The ministry said in a statement that the Centre for the Reception, Allocation and Accommodat­ion of Refugees will “monitor the return of all temporaril­y-displaced people and Syrian refugees from foreign countries to their places of permanent residence”.

Syria’s war has killed an estimated half a million people, driven some 5.6mn people out of the country and displaced around 6.6mn within it.

As the Syrian army, backed by Iran and Russia, has recovered territory, the map of the conflict has been decisively redrawn in President Bashar al-Assad’s favour and violence has died down in some areas.

These developmen­ts have led countries such as neighbouri­ng Lebanon, where around a quarter of people are refugees, increasing­ly to talk about refugees returning to Syria.

The UN refugee agency, UNHCR, says it is not yet safe for refugees to return but it helps those who do choose to go back with their documentat­ion.

Russia’s defence ministry said in a separate statement that 336,500 places around the country have been prepared to receive returning refugees.

These areas include 39,000 places in the city of Douma, near the capital Damascus.

Douma came back under government control in April after years of siege and a devastatin­g campaign of bombardmen­t.

The ministry also said local committees have been set up around Syria to assess infrastruc­ture and the needs of returnees, and buses have been allocated within local private transport companies to transport refugees.

Yesterday, 335 civilians had returned from abroad, the ministry said.

Of them, 293 crossed from Lebanon and 42 from Jordan.

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