Gulf Times

Malaysian police probing $972mn in Najib’s account


Malaysian police investigat­ing a scandal at state fund 1MDB are questionin­g more than 50 individual­s who received payments from a sum of $972mn that entered the personal bank account of former prime minister Najib Razak, an official said yesterday.

A total of $ 4.5bn was misappropr­iated by high- l evel officials of the f und, 1Mal aysia Developmen­t Berhad ( 1MDB), and their associates, the US Justice department has said.

The fund, founded by Najib, is at the centre of moneylaund­ering probes in at least six countries, including Singapore Switzerlan­d and the United States. Police are recording statements of those who received funds from Najib’s personal account, among them some with political affiliatio­ns and foreigners, said deputy police chief Noor Rashid Ibrahim. “We are in the process of taking their statements,” Noor Rashid told a news conference. Asked if any of the 50 would be charged in the investigat­ion, he replied, “There is a possibilit­y.”

Reuters could not immediatel­y reach a spokesman for Najib to seek comment. A total of 132 money laundering transac- tions have been identified and further investigat­ions are being pursued, the police said in a statement later.

Police added that statements have been taken f rom 64 people, including Najib and his daughter Nooryana Najwa Najib, with more to come, as they track down those involved, or persons of interest, in the scandal. Najib and his wife, Rosmah Mansor, have been barred from leaving Malaysia after his decade in power ended in a shock election defeat in May, and the new prime minister, Mahathir Mohamad, relaunched an investigat­ion into the troubled fund.

The scandal erupted in 2015 after media reports that about $681mn was deposited into Najib’s bank account.

Najib has consistent­ly denied any wrongdoing, maintainin­g the funds were donations from a Saudi royal and the bulk handed back. Noor Rashid said a total of $972mn went into Najib’s account, however, after moving through accounts linked to several companies. Malaysian and global investigat­ions, including chargeshee­ts filed by the US DoJ, have identified these firms as among those used to allegedly siphon off billions of dollars from 1MDB.

Many of the transactio­ns happened overseas and the police have sought the help of foreign agencies, Noor Rashid added. Najib has pleaded not guilty to money laundering charges against him this year in connection with a former 1MDB unit. His lawyer was also charged with money laundering yesterday.

 ?? Najib Razak ??
Najib Razak

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