Gulf Times

Militants fail to quit Syria buffer zone


Militants in Syria’s Idlib failed to meet a Monday deadline to leave a planned buffer zone ringing the country’s last rebel bastion, casting fresh doubt over a deal to avert bloodshed. A Russian-Turkish truce agreement reached nearly a month ago for the northweste­rn region gave “radical fighters” until October 15 to leave a proposed demilitari­sed area between government and opposition forces. The accord was a last-ditch effort to stave off a regime onslaught on Idlib.

Militants in Syria’s Idlib failed to meet a deadline yesterday to leave a planned buffer zone ringing the country’s last rebel bastion, casting fresh doubt over a deal to avert bloodshed.

A Russian-Turkish truce agreement reached nearly a month ago for the northweste­rn region gave “radical fighters” until October 15 to leave a proposed demilitari­sed area between government and opposition forces.

The accord was a last-ditch effort to stave off a regime onslaught on Idlib, the largest rebel stronghold left in war-ravaged Syria and home to around 3mn people.

But the target date for the withdrawal came and went without any hardliners leaving.

“We did not document the withdrawal of any fighters from the entire demilitari­sed zone,” Rami Abdel Rahman, the head of the Syrian Observator­y for Human Rights war monitor, said yesterday morning.

Militants had until midnight Sunday to yesterday to pull out, according to Abdel Rahman and two rebel commanders in Idlib.

Syria’s government said it would take “time” to judge if the deal had failed.

“We have to wait for the Russian reaction. Russia is monitoring and following the situation,” said Foreign Minister Walid Muallem.

An Idlib resident said civilians in the northweste­rn region feared a spike in violence if the Russian-Turkish accord collapsed.

“We fear the deal’s sponsors will fail to implement all its points, and that the bombardmen­t and battles will return,” he said.

Hours before the cut-off time, Idlib’s heavyweigh­t group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham vowed to continue fighting.

HTS and other, more extreme militants hold over two-thirds of the planned buffer area, and over half of the rest of Idlib.

Their withdrawal was seen as the real test of the accord reached on September 17 between rebel backer Ankara and regime supporter Moscow in the Russian resort town of Sochi.

The deal provides for a 15-20 kilometre buffer zone semi-circling opposition-held areas in Idlib and the neighbouri­ng provinces of Latakia, Hama, and Aleppo.

It set a first deadline of October 10 for all rebels and militants to pull heavy weapons from the zone, a task which Turkey, the Observator­y, and rebels said was done on time.

But late Saturday, mortar rounds fired from the buffer hit regime positions and killed two soldiers, the Observator­y said, indicating heavy arms may still be in the zone.

The apparent violation came just ahead of the deal’s second and more consequent­ial deadline: a full militant withdrawal of the zone by yesterday, paving the way for Russia and Turkey to monitor the area.

HTS has yet to take a formal stance on the Sochi accord and its most recent statement made no mention of the deadline.

But it and other militants appeared to have quietly pulled out their heavy arms in line with the first deadline on October 10.

That, observers said, could indicate that hope was not yet lost for the buffer.

“Even if the agreement is not fully implemente­d today, it doesn’t mean that it’s not holding,” said Haid Haid, research fellow at the Internatio­nal Centre for the Study of Radicalisa­tion.

HTS would seek the “best possible scenario” for its own survival, but that may include “a partial withdrawal”.

Sam Heller, an Internatio­nal Crisis Group analyst, said the ambiguity in HTS’ statement “could be seen as a sort of implicit acceptance of the Sochi deal and its implementa­tion”.The onus was now on Ankara and Moscow — the deal’s two sponsors and the chief powerbroke­rs of the Syrian war — to overcome the missed deadline.

“October 15 is a test of Turkey’s ability to implement the deal, but at the same time it’s a test of Russia’s intentions and how serious it is about continuing the agreement,” Heller said.

It would show whether Moscow was committed to keeping the deal alive or “implementi­ng it to the letter,” he said.

Russia has hinted it could accept a brief delay if it meant the spirit of the deal was still upheld.

Nicholas Heras, of the Center for a New American Security, however warned HTS was “playing with fire” and could cause Turkey to use military power against it.

“While it is true that Turkey does not want a battle against HTS in Idlib, the Turks also want to keep the deal they made with Russia.”

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has said the Idlib is only “temporary,” and that the area would eventually fall back to government hands.

 ??  ?? A Syrian rebel-fighter from the National Liberation Front (NLF) enters a building in the rebel-held Al-Rashidin district of western Aleppo’s countrysid­e near Idlib province, yesterday.
A Syrian rebel-fighter from the National Liberation Front (NLF) enters a building in the rebel-held Al-Rashidin district of western Aleppo’s countrysid­e near Idlib province, yesterday.

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