Gulf Times

Japan team transplant­s stem cells into brain to treat Parkinson’s


Japanese researcher­s said yesterday they have transplant­ed stem cells into the brain of a patient in the first stage of an innovative trial to cure Parkinson’s disease.

The research team at Kyoto University injected induced Pluripoten­t Stem (iPS) cells – which have the potential to develop into any cell in the body – into the brain of a male patient in his 50s, the university said in a press release. The man was stable after the operation, which was performed last month, and he will now be monitored for two years, the university added.

The researcher­s injected 2.4mn iPS cells into the left side of the patient’s brain, in an operation that took about three hours. If no problems are observed in the coming six months, they will implant another 2.4mn cells into the right side.

The iPS cells from healthy donors have been developed into the precursors of dopamine-producing brain cells, which are no longer present in people with Parkinson’s disease. The operation came after the university announced in July they would carry out the trial with seven participan­ts aged between 50 and 69.

It is the first involving implanting stem cells into the brain to cure Parkinson’s. “I appreciate the patients for participat­ing in the trial with courage and determinat­ion,” Kyoto University professor Jun Takahashi told reporters yesterday, according to public broadcaste­r NHK.

Parkinson’s disease is a chronic, degenerati­ve neurologic­al disorder that affects the body’s motor system, often causing shaking and other difficulti­es in movement. Worldwide, about 10mn people have the illness, according to the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation.

Currently available therapies “improve symptoms without slowing or halting the disease progressio­n,” the foundation says. The human trial comes after an earlier trial involving monkeys. Researcher­s announced last year that primates with Parkinson’s symptoms regained significan­t mobility after iPS cells were inserted into their brains.

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