Gulf Times

Ukraine’s rebel-held regions elect leaders


Voters in rebel-held east Ukraine chose new leaders yesterday after Russia defied Western calls not to sabotage peace talks and Kyiv urged fresh sanctions against the Kremlin.

In the Donetsk and Luhansk “People’s Republics” in Ukraine’s industrial east, voters headed to polling stations after a top rebel was killed in a cafe bombing in August.

Wary of possible violence, separatist authoritie­s tightened security, with soldiers deployed to ensure order.

Campaign posters around the Donetsk rebel stronghold called on people to vote “with Russia in your heart”.

Washington and Brussels had asked Russia not to hold what they call “illegal” polls, saying that they will further hamper efforts to end a conflict that has killed more than 10,000 people since 2014.

Kyiv urged the West to punish Russia for violating a 2015 peace agreement, while President Petro Poroshenko called on east Ukrainians to snub the vote “at gunpoint”.

“Do not participat­e in fake elections!” he said on Saturday.

But Russia and local authoritie­s rejected the appeals, saying that people deserved a chance at a normal life and stressing that the turnout was high.

“There was mortar shelling again yesterday. I was even afraid of going to vote,” Natalya, who declined to give her name, told AFP at a polling station on the outskirts of Donetsk, a few kilometres from the frontlines.

The 61-year-old retiree, who lives in a building with boardedup windows, said all she needed was peace and a better pension.

Another voter, Lyudmila Sharakhina, said she wanted her rebel region to join Russia.

“Of course, we would like to become (part of) Russia, like Crimea did,” the 60-year-old said.

In 2014, Russia annexed Crimea and supported the outbreak of an insurgency in eastern Ukraine in what Kyiv sees as punishment for its pivot to the West.

While heavy fighting is over, the conflict regularly claims lives.

Four soldiers died over the past two days, Kyiv said.

Peace negotiatio­ns have reached deadlock and Westernbac­ked accords agreed in 2015 are largely moribund.

Many analysts say the polls are a way for Moscow to strengthen its grip on around 3% of Ukrainian territory where 3.7mn people live.

The US embassy in Ukraine said the “sham ‘elections’ will benefit only Russian proxies in eastern Ukraine”, while the North Atlantic Treaty Organisati­on (Nato) added that the elections “undermine efforts towards a peaceful resolution of the conflict”.

But Moscow, which denies funnelling troops and arms across the border, says the polls are necessary to fill the power vacuum after the assassinat­ion of rebel Donetsk leader Alexander Zakharchen­ko.

While several candidates are running in each of the two regions, Denis Pushilin and Leonid Pasechnik, the acting Donetsk and Luhansk leaders, were expected to sail to victory.

“We are choosing our future,” said Pushilin, a 37-year-old former operator of a notorious Russian Ponzi scheme and successor to Zakharchen­ko.

Local authoritie­s pulled out all the stops to encourage a high turnout, setting up food stalls near polling stations and offering lottery tickets to those who voted.

Besides new leaders, voters are also choosing lawmakers.

Kyiv’s Western backers say that in order to settle the bloodiest European conflict since the Balkans in the 1990s, Russia should withdraw troops from eastern Ukraine and agree to a UN peacekeepi­ng mission there.

The last separatist elections were held in 2014 despite protests from the West and Kyiv.

 ??  ?? A serviceman guards voters at a polling station in Donetsk, in the rebel-held area of eastern Ukraine.
A serviceman guards voters at a polling station in Donetsk, in the rebel-held area of eastern Ukraine.

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