Gulf Times

Returning Cubans boost island’s real estate market


In shorts and wearing shoes but no socks, Mauricio Garcia could pass for a tourist as he strolls around Old Havana.

But he’s as Cuban as a Cohiba cigar, and his return after 16 years abroad is part of the demographi­c behind Communist-run Cuba’s emerging real estate market.

An estimated 40,000 Cubans like him have returned from abroad since 2013, lured home by government migration reform that made it easier for expat Cubans to come home and buy property.

Once derided as the lowest of low “worms” for having left Cuba, now — flush with cash — they are being welcomed home with open arms as “mariposas,” or butterflie­s, by the cash-strapped government.

Garcia made the move home in 2016. “The decision was down to the fact that you are allowed to do business. And instead of mooching around the world, it’s better to be here, in your own country,” said the 41-year old, who owns a tourist restaurant near the port.

Garcia has been able to take advantage of another reform in 2011 which authorises only Cubans to buy and sell real estate.

Previously, they alone were allowed only to exchange property.

Real estate sales took off for a country of just 11mn with a stateled economy: 45,000 in 2012, 88,000 in 2013 and 100,000 in 2014, before falling back slightly in 2015, said planning official Carlos Garcia Pleyan, a Spaniard from Catalonia who has spent over half a century in Cuba.

The market remains “very active” however, according to property specialist Armando Portela, in an interview with Miami-based Cuban magazine Cuba Geografica despite having to “overcome many setbacks, such as weak access to technology, the lack of public informatio­n .... financial tools, legislativ­e delays.”

Havana, with its colourful buildings and old world charm, will celebrate its Quincenten­ary in 2019, and the government of President Miguel Diaz-Canel is trying to make up a shortfall of some 700,000 housing units in the city, by boosting constructi­on from the current 20,000 to 50,000 units a year.

It’s a tall order when the obstacles against the government are not just financial.

Cuba’s location in the Caribbean places it directly in the path of destructiv­e weather patterns.

Hurricane Irma destroyed 30,000 dwellings in one night in September 2017.

Meanwhile, returning Cubans are buying and renovating old buildings to make restaurant­s or tourist apartments, and money, out of them. It’s exactly what 35-year-old translator Maykel Galindo did.

After living in Belgium for 16 years, he used his European savings to buy a 150 square metre ruin in Havana’s historic old quarter.

With his family’s help, he renovated the building and divided it into rooms to let. “I discovered that inside Cuba there exists another Cuba, which has been created to a certain extent by the private sector,” said Galindo. “And I, as a Cuban, found that this side of Cuba was the one I wanted to be on.”

He remembered that at the time he bought the house in 2015, “prices were ridiculous­ly low” since when they have skyrockete­d eightfold.

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