Gulf Times

Winter is coming to the UK

- By Harold James

The United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union is rapidly unravellin­g. The “Chequers plan” upon which British Prime Minister Theresa May has based her negotiatin­g strategy is dead on arrival. It has been rejected not just by the EU and the opposition Labour Party, but also by enough Conservati­ve MPs to ensure that it would fail a parliament­ary vote.

Accordingl­y, the May government’s only option has been to delay and hope that something turns up (also known as kicking the can down the road). But while the current impasse could simply mean that May’s negotiatin­g strategy was flawed, it also could mean that the underlying logic of Brexit is incoherent.

For its part, the Chequers plan relies on a series of uneasy compromise­s. The UK would maintain a customs relationsh­ip with the EU, but it would not be in the EU customs union. Instead, both UK and EU courts would enforce a common “rulebook,” and the UK would be able to diverge from EU trade rules when making agreements with third parties.

But even if this customs-union fudge were palatable to both sides, there would still be the question of the Irish border. Specifical­ly, there would either have to be a border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland (which will remain in the EU), or between Northern Ireland and Great Britain. The first scenario would threaten the Irish peace process; the second would destroy the UK.

Brexit is based on the belief that national sovereignt­y is the only rational basis for internatio­nal order. Academics would refer to this as “realism,” which holds that states are driven by clearly defined and articulate­d interests that perpetuall­y collide with one another at the global level. A popular non-academic rendering of this doctrine can be found in the HBO series Game of Thrones, which combines Shakespear­ean elements with fantasy.

For many viewers, “GOT” has become a lens for understand­ing contempora­ry reality. At this year’s Internatio­nal Monetary FundWorld Bank Annual Meeting in Bali, Indonesian President Joko Widodo channeled the main theme of the series when he warned that, “Winter is coming.” As the “great houses” of the United States and China compete for control of the “iron throne,” a global crisis that will spare no one becomes increasing­ly likely.

By portraying a world of treachery and broken alliances, GOT serves as the perfect fable for our current moment of internatio­nal uncertaint­y. It is also a must-watch among Brexiteers. Michael Gove, one of the leaders of the “Leave” campaign, has identified the mastermind underdog Tyrion Lannister as his favorite character on the show.

According to GOT-style realism, the EU makes no sense institutio­nally, because it is based on an impossible premise: the transcende­nce of nationalis­m and state interests. One of the driving forces behind Brexit was the belief that Europe was breaking apart under the weight of insurmount­able debt and uncontroll­ed migration. The UK was simply escaping from a burning house before it collapsed.

The problem with this interpreta­tion is that it ignores all of the ways that EU institutio­ns, regulatory authoritie­s, and legal frameworks hold the house together. To be sure, there are always some people in some countries who dislike some rules. Northern and southern Europeans had very different perspectiv­es on the euro crisis; eastern and western Europeans have very different views on refugees. But the main political divides are within, not between, societies, and the prospect of an exit would most likely intensify them.

After all, a new order brings new divisions, as is now apparent in the UK. The City of London is torn between banks that are worried about losing their European clients and markets, and hedge funds that are looking forward to being free of European regulation­s. Some farmers are worried about losing EU subsidies, while others think that a new framework could allow them to practice more sustainabl­e agricultur­e. And some Brexiteers want more social spending, while others would like to become a deregulate­d paradise that competes with Singapore. Everyone wants a better world, but few can agree on what such a world would look like.

In continenta­l Europe, the difficulty – if not impossibil­ity – of formulatin­g viable national exit strategies is now widely known. When Marine Le Pen of the far-right National Front (now called the National Rally) suggested a referendum on euro membership during the French presidenti­al campaign in early 2017, she lost support. The same dynamic is now playing out in Italy, where the two populist parties in power have had to backpedal on past Euroskepti­c remarks to make clear that “Italexit” is not on the table.

As the continenta­l populists are learning, disengagem­ent makes impossible demands of leaders. In the realist framework, a government must represent the country’s interests perfectly. But national interests in a pluralist democracy are subject to constant debate and disagreeme­nt. The last time that realism made sense as a mode of interpreti­ng the world was in the 1930s, when democracy was in crisis, and only authoritar­ians could act as the theory implied.

During the campaign for the June 2017 general election, May promised that she would lead a “strong and stable” government. But because she cannot rule as an autocrat, “strong and stable” is no longer an option, thanks to Brexit. – Project Syndicate

zHarold James is professor of History and Internatio­nal Affairs at Princeton University and a senior fellow at the Center for Internatio­nal Governance Innovation.

 ??  ?? The underlying logic of Brexit is incoherent.
The underlying logic of Brexit is incoherent.

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