Gulf Times

Iran urges China and Russia to save N-deal


Iranian Foreign Minister Mohamed Javad Zarif yesterday urged China and Russia to take “concrete actions” to safeguard the 2015 nuclear deal as he warned of a “dangerous” situation amid escalating tensions with the US. A stand-off between Tehran and Washington has ratcheted up in recent days, with the US deploying an aircraft carrier group and B-52 bombers to the Gulf last week over alleged threats from Iran.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohamed Javad Zarif yesterday urged China and Russia to take “concrete actions” to safeguard the 2015 nuclear deal as he warned of a “dangerous” situation amid escalating tensions with the US.

A stand-off between Tehran and Washington has ratcheted up in recent days, with the US deploying an aircraft carrier group and B-52 bombers to the Gulf last week over alleged threats from Iran.

“Iran and China need to think together and work together about preserving a multilater­al global order and avoiding a unilateral global order,” Zarif said during a meeting with his Chinese counterpar­t Wang Yi yesterday evening.

On Wednesday, the US State Department ordered the evacuation of most personnel from the US embassy and consulate in Iraq over an alleged “imminent” threat from Iraqi militias with close links to Tehran.

With tensions rising, the UK warned British-Iranian dual nationals against all travel to Iran yesterday, citing the recent “arbitrary detention and mistreatme­nt” of such citizens.

British insurer Lloyd’s of London has also widened its list of areas in and around the Gulf posing “enhanced risk for marine insurers” after a still-mysterious “attack” on tankers anchored off Fujairah, an Emirati port.

Zarif has called on the internatio­nal community to save the nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehens­ive Plan of Action, or JCPOA.

Iran signed the deal with China, Russia, Germany, Britain, France and the United States.

Internatio­nal sanctions were eased

in return for curbs on Tehran’s nuclear programme. But last year, President Donald Trump walked away from the accord.

The US has since imposed sweeping sanctions on Iran. “So far the internatio­nal community has mostly released statements rather than taking action,” Zarif said. “If the internatio­nal community and other JCPOA member countries and our friends in the JCPOA like China and Russia want to keep this achievemen­t, it is required that they make sure the Iranian people enjoy the benefits of the JCPOA with concrete actions,” he added.

The White House has sent mixed signals about its intentions in recent days. In a tweet yesterday, Trump lambasted the media for what he said was its “fraudulent and highly inaccurate coverage of Iran”, amid multiple US reports of infighting in Trump’s cabinet over how hard to push Tehran.

Zarif said last week that only Russia and China had supported Iran and helped it keep the nuclear deal going, and accused other parties to the agreement of letting Tehran down.

China was one of the eight global buyers — India, Turkey, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Italy and Greece — that was allowed to import Iranian crude oil before the US ended waivers in early May. Zarif’s China trip comes after visits to Turkmenist­an, India and Japan in the past week.

Despite Washington’s campaign of “maximum pressure” against Iran, the Islamic Republic has vowed to keep selling oil to its main customers, especially China, even if it requires using indirect means. On May 8, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Iran would stop observing restrictio­ns on stocks of enriched uranium and heavy water agreed under the nuclear deal in retaliatio­n for the US withdrawal and the reimpositi­on of sanctions.

In his announceme­nt, Rouhani threatened to go further if the European members of the deal failed to start delivering on their promises to help Iran circumvent US sanctions within 60 days. China in response called on all parties to uphold the nuclear deal in what it called a “shared responsibi­lity”. European nations have also called on all partners to the deal to help salvage it while expressing frustratio­n at Iran’s demands for help in circumvent­ing US sanctions.

 ??  ?? China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi (right) shakes hands with Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohamed Javad Zarif at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing, yesterday.
China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi (right) shakes hands with Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohamed Javad Zarif at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing, yesterday.

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