Gulf Times

Australian­s set to vote in tight parliament­ary polls


Some 11mn Australian­s will go to the polls today to elect a new parliament, capping off a 36-day election campaign centred on climate change and the economy. Prime Minister Scott Morrison, the leader of the Liberal Party, is facing a strong challenge from the main opposition party, Labor, led by former trade unionist Bill Shorten. The latest opinion polls put centreleft Labor ahead of Morrison’s conservati­ve coalition government by a slim margin of 51 to 49%.

Australia’s political leaders made last-gasp pitches to voters yesterday, on the eve of an election that polls show is going down to the wire.

“This will be the closest election we’ve seen in many, many years,” Prime Minister Scott Morrison predicted while campaignin­g in north Queensland, home to a swathe of marginal seats that could decide the outcome.

Weeks ago the contest looked like it may be a rout for the centre-left Labor Party, which has long been leading Morrison’s conservati­ve Liberal-National minority government in opinion polls.

But a final survey by Ipsos yesterday showed Morrison’s coalition trailing Bill Shorten’s Labor 49 to 51%, from 48 to 52% two weeks ago.

In some battlegrou­nd seats, the race is even tighter, with the electorate split 50-50. “I don’t think anyone... thought this is where the election would be the day before,” Morrison said.

The 51-year-old, however, faced a difficult last few hours of campaignin­g, with the death of legendary Labor Prime Minister Bob Hawke.

Charismati­c and competent, Hawke’s reminiscin­g about his successful economic reforms has undercut Liberal’s central

campaign claim that Labor cannot govern. Morrison’s claim to champion secure borders was also put to the test when it was revealed that two people from Rwanda accused of murder were allowed into Australia in return for the US taking innocent refugees detained by his government.

Morrison defended their transfer saying the allegation­s against the two men were “reviewed by our security agencies and ... not found to be upheld”. Labor leader Shorten cut back on his campaign travels, choosing instead to stay in Sydney and talk about Hawkes legacy.

“Sadly, he didn’t win the fight to be there on election night to see Labor form a government,” the Labor leader told reporters.

“Personally, it’s sad to me that I can’t show him that we can win and form a government, because I feel I’d be fulfilling a contract that I mentally made with him all those years ago.” Elections in Australia, where voting is mandatory, are traditiona­lly close, with former PM Malcolm Turnbull’s Liberal-National coalition in 2016 scraping through with 76 seats, two more than the majority needed for the lower house.

The country has had a revolving door of prime ministers in recent years, with a series of leaders voted into power in one election deposed before the next poll three years later.

 ??  ?? Australian Opposition Leader Bill Shorten is seen in front of the Opera House placing a floral tribute to the late former Australian prime minster Bob Hawke in Sydney, Australia, yesterday.
Australian Opposition Leader Bill Shorten is seen in front of the Opera House placing a floral tribute to the late former Australian prime minster Bob Hawke in Sydney, Australia, yesterday.
 ??  ?? Prime Minister Scott Morrison makes an address following the passing of former Australian prime minister Bob Hawke, at Brisbane Airport in Brisbane, Australia, yesterday.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison makes an address following the passing of former Australian prime minister Bob Hawke, at Brisbane Airport in Brisbane, Australia, yesterday.

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