Gulf Times

Johnson as PM would horrify Scots: Sturgeon


The prospect of Boris Johnson becoming prime minister would “horrify” Scots and boost the case for independen­ce, according to Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland’s first minister.

The former foreign secretary was a “complete and utter charlatan”, Sturgeon told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme.

Speaking a day after Johnson confirmed his bid to become Conservati­ve leader, Sturgeon said: “The prospect of him becoming prime minister is one that will horrify many people across Scotland.”

Ruth Davidson, the leader of the Scottish Conservati­ves, frequently criticised Johnson during the EU referendum, and blocked him from attending a conference of the Scottish Tories earlier this month.

Alluding to the rift, Sturgeon said: “Even the Scottish Tories are terrified at the prospect (of a Johnson premiershi­p) because I think they know what it would do to their standing.” She added:

“If we wait too long (for another vote on independen­ce), then we risk untold damage being done to Scotland’s interests, certainly by Brexit, and then possibly the prospect of having somebody like Boris Johnson as prime minister.”

Asked what impact a Johnson premiershi­p would have on the independen­ce debate, she said: “It would lead to many more people thinking that the best future for Scotland is to be independen­t so that we can protect our interests, that we can take our own decisions, that we can co-operate with other independen­t countries across the European Union for our mutual interest. In other words, be a normal, progressiv­e, independen­t country.”

She described Johnson as “the guy who misled people in the Brexit vote, who has only ever put his own interests first … a complete and utter charlatan in my opinion”.

Sturgeon also said she could “feel a degree of sympathy” for Theresa May on a personal level, but added: “That said, I don’t think she has played the hand she was given particular­ly well.”

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