Gulf Times

Duterte calls for keeping embers of nationalis­m alive


President Rodrigo Duterte urged the public to “keep the embers of nationalis­m alive” and to “triumph over” apathy and divisivene­ss as he led the observance of Rizal Day yesterday morning.

The president led the commemorat­ive rites in Davao City of Jose Rizal’s martyrdom. He and his daughter, Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte-Carpio, were present during the wreath-laying ceremony at the Rizal Park in the city.

“Today is an important day to commemorat­e and honour Dr Jose P Rizal whose life and legacy have inspired countless others to dedicate their lives to serve the nation,” Duterte said during the commemorat­ive rites. “Rizal’s ardent love of country and unfettered desire to cultivate not only his intellect, but also the intelligen­ce of his countrymen have led to a reawakenin­g of the Filipinos’ patriotism and sense of responsibi­lity,” he added.

It has been 123 years since Rizal was executed by firing squad at the Luneta de Bagumbayan (now Rizal Park in Manila) in 1896, after a Spanish court martial convicted him of sedition and sentenced him to death. The Philippine­s was then a colony of Spain. In 1898, independen­ce was proclaimed.

“May his shining example to always think of the greater good be emulated by generation­s of our youth who look up to him today. May the freedom we now enjoy as a people be cherished, be further fortified and be kept thriving through the solidarity that we show in combatting the ills of illegal drugs, corruption and criminalit­y,” the president said.

“Together, let us strengthen and protect our liberty that our heroes have so unselfishl­y shed their blood for,” he added

Rizal, an ophthalmol­ogist by profession, wrote, among others, two novels during his lifetime: the Noli Me Tangere and its sequel El Filibuster­ismo.

Vice President Maria Leonor “Leni’ Robredo also extolled Rizal.

“Through his literature, Rizal opened our eyes to the ills of society that hindered our progress — some of which we continue to face in the present time. He bravely fought for our rights, with the belief that we could only attain genuine change for all, if we remain true to our conviction­s,” she said. “At this time, that we are tested as a nation by many challenges, let us remember and bring to life Rizal’s zeal in pushing for reforms in our country and equality of every Filipino,” she added.

 ??  ?? President Rodrigo Duterte walks past honour guards after leading the wreath-laying ceremony during the commemorat­ion of the 123rd anniversar­y of the martyrdom of Dr Jose Rizal at the Rizal Park in Davao City, yesterday. Manila Mayor Francisco ‘Isko’ Domagoso (left), Executive Secretary Salvador Medialdea (centre) and Navy Vice Admiral Gaudencio Collado Jr lead the wreath-laying ceremony to honour Jose Rizal on his death anniversar­y at the Rizal Park.
President Rodrigo Duterte walks past honour guards after leading the wreath-laying ceremony during the commemorat­ion of the 123rd anniversar­y of the martyrdom of Dr Jose Rizal at the Rizal Park in Davao City, yesterday. Manila Mayor Francisco ‘Isko’ Domagoso (left), Executive Secretary Salvador Medialdea (centre) and Navy Vice Admiral Gaudencio Collado Jr lead the wreath-laying ceremony to honour Jose Rizal on his death anniversar­y at the Rizal Park.
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