Gulf Times

Mahaseel holds training on modern agricultur­al systems


Mahaseel for Marketing and Agricultur­al Services Company, a Hassad Food subsidiary, is keen on developing the private agricultur­e sector as part of efforts to achieve self-sufficienc­y in the country.

In this regard, the company has held a training course on modern agricultur­al systems with an aim to contribute to the developmen­t of the private agricultur­e sector, which has been accorded top priority in view of its increasing contributi­on to the national exchequer.

Representa­tives of the local farms that have agreements with Mahaseel to benefit from its marketing services attended the course.

About 160 local farms have already registered with Mahaseel to benefit from the marketing and agricultur­al services provided by the company to farmers, aiming to increase the quantity and enhance the quality of their local produce.

The training course was held over the period of two consecutiv­e days (December 29-30), divided into theoretica­l and practical studies. The same course will be repeated on January 1-2.

The first day of the course (theoretica­l) was held at the Ministry of Municipali­ty and Environmen­t. It focused on several important topics such as, crops handling, harvest, collection, sorting as well as transporta­tion.

The theoretica­l material also covered the mechanical, physiologi­cal, pathologic­al and environmen­tal damages that could occur to the crops, as well as the importance of managing postharves­t operations.

The second day of the training course was held at “Qtfa” Arab Qatari Company for Agricultur­e Production – where the attendees conducted field applicatio­ns at the production site. Mahaseel is currently working with local farm owners as per two types of contractin­g programmes: pre-contractin­g and daily direct contractin­g, following specific conditions for each programme.

The pre-contractin­g programme is a guarantee for farmers to sell their produce at a fixed price, without any influence by the market supply and demand factors, thus ensuring a nearconsta­nt return once achieved the agreed upon quantities, so the farmer’s main focus will be on the farming activity.

Moreover, the company has developed a well-designed work system to ensure an efficient process from receiving the local produce, to sorting, packaging and marketing in the local market, so the product reaches the consumers in the best quality.

 ??  ?? Mahaseel training under way to impart knowledge on agricultur­al systems.
Mahaseel training under way to impart knowledge on agricultur­al systems.

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