Gulf Times

Algerians keep up protests


Thousands of Algerians marched yesterday, a year since the start of weekly protests calling for a complete overhaul of the ruling elite, an end to corruption and the army’s withdrawal from politics.

“We will not stop,” chanted a crowd in the centre of the capital Algiers, despite a large police presence.

Over the past year the protesters have changed the face of Algeria’s power structure, causing the fall of a veteran president, Abdelaziz Bouteflika, and the arrest of dozens of leading figures including a once untouchabl­e former intelligen­ce chief.

However, while the new president has released people detained in the protests, set up a commission to amend the constituti­on and offered talks to the opposition, much of the old ruling elite remains in place.

The leaderless protest movement, known as “hirak”, is demanding more concession­s, including the release of more activists and the departure of more senior figures from positions of power.

“Our hirak is tireless. We are ready to keep marching for months more,” said Yazid Chabi, a 23-year-old student on the central Didouche Mourad

street in central Algiers.

However, since December’s presidenti­al election the number of protesters has fallen according to people attending the marches each week.

Hirak opposed the election, regarding as illegitima­te any vote that took place while the old ruling elite was in power and while the military was involved in politics.

Abdelmadji­d Tebboune, a former prime minister seen by the protesters as part of the old elite, was elected, but turnout was only 40% according to official statistics.

Even without the political unrest, his new government now faces a difficult economic year with energy revenues rapidly sinking, hitting state finances hard.

Chabi, who is studying law, said he has no expectatio­n of finding work after he graduates.”Algerians have been getting only promises.

Nothing has improved in recent years because corruption is still there,” he said.

Two former prime ministers, several ex-ministers and prominent businessme­n have been jailed after anti-graft investigat­ions that followed protests demanding the prosecutio­n of people involved in corruption.

Prime Minister Abdelaziz Djerad this week said corruption and mismanagem­ent resulted in a “delicate” economic situation for Algeria, an Opec member country that is also facing a negative impact from falling global crude oil prices.

 ??  ?? Demonstrat­ors gesture and carry a national flag as they march, a year since the start of weekly protests calling for a complete overhaul of the ruling elite, an end to corruption and the army’s withdrawal from politics, in Algiers, yesterday.
Demonstrat­ors gesture and carry a national flag as they march, a year since the start of weekly protests calling for a complete overhaul of the ruling elite, an end to corruption and the army’s withdrawal from politics, in Algiers, yesterday.

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