Gulf Times

Scotland, Wales concerned at reports England is prioritise­d for PPE


Scottish and Welsh ministers have voiced significan­t concerns amid reports – denied by Downing Street – that the NHS in England is being prioritise­d for supply of personal protective equipment (PPE) over other nations.

Scotland’s First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, said that it would be “unconscion­able and unacceptab­le” if supplies were being diverted from one part of the UK to another “without consultati­on or any sense of co-operation”. She was responding to reports that leading manufactur­ers of PPE were refusing to send supplies to Scotland because they were prioritisi­ng England.

Donald Macaskill, chief executive of Scottish Care, the sector’s umbrella body, claimed that the UK’s four largest PPE suppliers said they were not distributi­ng to Scotland because their priority was going to be “England, the English NHS and then English social care providers”.

The Welsh Health Minister, Vaughan Gething, also revealed that he had raised the issue of

PPE providers allegedly refusing to deal with Welsh care home suppliers, calling for rules to be drawn up to make sure equipment was shared out fairly.

Speaking to reporters at her daily briefing, Sturgeon accepted that she had no clear evidence that supplies were being diverted at the direction of NHS England, but said she was seeking assurances.

The UK government insisted that it had not instructed any company to prioritise PPE for any one nation. A spokespers­on said: “Through this four-nation approach, we’re working closely with the devolved administra­tions to co-ordinate the distributi­on of PPE evenly across the UK.”

Rishi Sunak, the chancellor, told the Downing Street press conference: “There’s no truth in those stories, that those companies had been told to prioritise PPE equipment. Rather, the contrary is actually happening … there has been incredibly close collaborat­ion between our four nations in this regard.”

Prof Yvonne Doyle, of Public Health England, said the agency “has not, in any sense, directed any of the devolved administra­tions to be at any disadvanta­ge”. But Macaskill later dismissed this, saying: “In practice we have a number of organisati­ons telling us that their traditiona­l producers are no longer supplying to Scotland because they are supplying the NHS, which of course goes into the four nations’ supply, but it effectivel­y means they are disadvanta­ged because that’s not coming to individual care homes.”

He said that, after initial reports, a range of organisati­ons had come forward to provide “good evidence” that manufactur­ers were either telling them that they were not able to supply to Scotland or charging vastly elevated prices to deliver north of the border, adding:

“It’s a real dog’s breakfast.”

In Wales, Gething said supply chains for PPE around the world were collapsing. He said: “More countries are looking to pursue more PPE. That’s changed the availabili­ty and the price. All government­s within the UK are looking to acquire more PPE. Orders from England are helping to crowd out the market that is constricte­d in any event.

“At the last meeting of health ministers at the end of last week, I made very clear that while that is the right thing to do we need assurances that there will be fairness in the delivery of that and that requires some operationa­l rules.

“If we’re going to have a UKwide purchasing arrangemen­t … then we’ve got to be able to understand that those arrangemen­ts that are in place, that we will get a proper population share.”

Later, the Scottish Health Secretary, Jeane Freeman, confirmed she had spoken to her UK counterpar­t, Matt Hancock, who had assured her that neither Public Health England nor the department for health and social care had asked for existing supplies of PPE to be diverted to the NHS or care sector in England.

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