Gulf Times

Trump unveils plan for reopening the economy

- Reuters

New York and six other Northeaste­rn states have extended coronaviru­s stay-at-home orders to May 15, as President Donald Trump issued new federal guidelines for a cautious reopening of the economy in keeping with advice from leading public health authoritie­s.

The president, who had pressed to restart idled businesses as early as May 1 and had declared “total” authority to do so, settled instead for a phasedin, science-based strategy, heeding warnings from infectious­disease experts that easing social distancing too soon would invite disaster.

“We are not opening all at once, but one careful step at a time,” Trump told reporters at a White House briefing where the plan was unveiled.

His move to adopt recommenda­tions, rather than orders, also averted a looming confrontat­ion with governors, many of them Democrats, who insisted that it was up to them to decide how and when to relax stay-at-home orders they themselves had imposed since last month.

The governors have cited the apparent success of their directives in curbing the spread of the virus, which has killed more than 33,000 Americans in a matter of weeks, while acknowledg­ing the measures have wreaked economic havoc.

At least 668,000 people to date have tested positive in the United States for Covid-19, the highly contagious lung disease caused by the novel coronaviru­s that emerged from China at the end of last year.

Lacking a vaccine to contain the pandemic, 42 of the 50 states have ordered residents to remain indoors except for necessary outings, such as grocery shopping or doctor’s visits, while closing schools, universiti­es and non-essential businesses.

The unpreceden­ted measures have stifled large swaths of the economy, throwing some 22mn people out of work, upending financial markets and leading to forecasts that America is headed for its deepest recession since the economic collapse of the 1930s.

Trump, a Republican who had staked his November re-election bid on the strength of the US economy, had come under mounting pressure from allies to forge ahead with a swift reopening, despite medical experts who said doing so risked reigniting the outbreak just as it was being brought under control.

The guidelines Trump unveiled at the White House after previewing them in a video conference with governors call for a three-phase process of restarting economic activity, but only after states record a 14-day “downward trajectory” in their coronaviru­s cases after each phase.

The plan also recommends that hospitals institute a “robust testing programme” that includes antibody screenings for healthcare workers before restrictio­ns on businesses and social life are lifted.

The guidance says the recommenda­tions are “implementa­ble on a statewide or county-bycounty basis at governors’ discretion”.

In the first phase, public venues such as restaurant­s and movie theatres could operate again with strict social distancing.

Non-essential travel can resume, schools can reopen, and sporting arenas can operate under “moderate” physical distancing during phase two, while visits to nursing homes and unrestrict­ed staffing at businesses can resume during phase three.

Some states with relatively few cases could begin phase one almost immediatel­y.

“They will be able to go literally tomorrow,” Trump said at the briefing.

Governors in a handful of states this week began talking about reopening their economies as early as May 1, including North Dakota, Ohio and Tennessee.

Eighteen states have recorded fewer than 100 deaths from Covid-19.

Governors elsewhere began formulatin­g their own plans.

Seven East Coast states that banded together in a regional pact – New York, New Jersey, Connecticu­t, Pennsylvan­ia, Delaware, Massachuse­tts and Rhode Island – said that their restrictio­ns would remain intact through the middle of next month.

Seven Midwestern governors and three on the West Coast have announced similar pacts for coordinate­d reopenings.

Public health experts say that a major expansion of testing to determine the full scope of the pandemic, track new infections and gauge the extent of any “herd” immunity in the general population is necessary before social distancing restrictio­ns can safely be relaxed.

Trump’s new guidelines make it clear that role is the responsibi­lity of state and local government­s.

Washington state Governor Jay Inslee, a Democrat, said Trump’s plan accorded with his own guidelines for a phased approach and he welcomed the president’s recognitio­n that state leaders have the final say.

But the top Democrat on Capitol Hill, Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the US House of Representa­tives, called the federal guidance “vague and inconsiste­nt”, saying that it “does nothing to make up for the president’s failure to listen to the scientists and produce and distribute national rapid testing”.

Even within states, urban areas have so far been hit harder than rural areas, a divide that has inflamed political and social divisions and prompted protests against state leaders who opted to keep residents at home.

In Richmond, Virginia, about 30 people gathered outside the state Capitol on Thursday in defiance of a stay-at-home order that the Democratic governor has instituted until June 10.

“STOP the MADNESS! It’s just a COLD VIRUS! End the shutdown for the GOOD of US all!” one of the demonstrat­ors’ signs read.

The state has recorded nearly 7,000 cases and 208 deaths.

 ??  ?? Trump: We are not opening all at once, but one careful step at a time.
Trump: We are not opening all at once, but one careful step at a time.
 ??  ?? This picture taken on Thursday shows two women at a small protest in Richmond against Virginia’s stay-at-home order and business closures.
This picture taken on Thursday shows two women at a small protest in Richmond against Virginia’s stay-at-home order and business closures.

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