Gulf Times

Safety guidelines for employees


The Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) has shared health and safety tips for employees to prevent Covid-19, stressing the need for them to act responsibl­y and follow healthy and safe habits. “Safety is a shared responsibi­lity and, by working together, you can take significan­t steps in preventing he transmissi­on of the virus,” the MoPH says in the advisory.

The advisory is available at https://www.moph. /Style%20Library/MOPH/Videos/guideempre­sen.pdf

Personal hygiene:

1. All employees should wash their hands frequently with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds to help protect from germs and, if soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub containing ethanol or ethyl alcohol (minimum 60%), isopropyl or benzalkoni­um chloride.

2. All employees should avoid touching their face with their hands. Germs are often spread when a person touches something that is contaminat­ed with germs and then touches his or her eyes, nose or mouth.

Healthy habits:

1. All employees are highly encouraged to disinfect their desks, IT equipment and telephone every day.

2. All employees should avoid sharing personal items and stationery.

3. All employees should cover their mouth and nose with a disposable tissue when coughing or sneezing to prevent their co-workers from getting sick. If tissue is not available, employees should use the top of their sleeve above their elbow.

4. All employees should avoid shaking hands, kissing and hugging co-workers.

5. All employees should apply physical distancing, remain out of group settings and mass gatherings, and maintain distance (2m or nearly 6f) from others, whenever possible.

Movement and travel:

1. Employees must avoid social events and restrict their movement inside Qatar.

2. Business trips and personal travel shall be postponed until the situation gets better.

3. It is strongly recommende­d to stop any travel by the staff and their families to ensure the health and safety of employees.

4. Home-based quarantine — all employees returning from travel should exercise precaution­s and will be in home-based quarantine for 14 days. Employers should not deduct the 14 days from the employee’s annual leave.

Sickness and attention: If an employee has shown any of the Covid-19 symptoms, it is highly recommende­d that 1. The employee must stay at home and avoid contact with other people as much as he/she can.

2. The employee must immediatel­y report to the employer about the health status.

3. The employee must stay separated from other family members or should take the highest protection measures while being surrounded by healthy people, to ensure not to infect them.

4. The employee must call the MoPH hotline, 16000, before visiting the healthcare facility.

5. The employee must wear a surgical mask and clean his/her hands often.

6. The employee must present a medical clearance before returning to work.

Further, the advisory states that craft and manual workers must visit one of the health centres operated by Qatar Red Crescent Society, who will transfer them appropriat­ely.

In the event of an employee having close contact with a suspected or confirmed Covid-19 patient, the employee must communicat­e directly with the line manager and call the hotline, 16000, to follow their instructio­ns with regard to home-based quarantine.

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