Gulf Times

Court issues parole orders for Shehbaz, Hamza

Banking court issues arrest warrants for Sharif’s cousins


Acourt in Lahore has issued release orders for Pakistan Muslim League – Nawaz (PML-N) president Shehbaz Sharif and his son Hamza Shehbaz on five-day parole, following the death of Begum Shamim Akhtar, it was learnt yesterday.

As per details, Shehbaz and Hamza were to be released from Kot Lakhpat Jail yesterday.

The funeral of Begum Shamim Akhtar – the mother of former prime minister Nawaz Sharif and Shehbaz Sharif – will be held in Lahore.

She died in London.

She will be buried at their Jati Umra residence.

Earlier, Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar approved the release of the PML-N president and his son on parole to attend the funeral.

Meanwhile, a banking court has issued arrest warrants for Nawaz Sharif’s cousins after they failed to appear in the case for allegedly defaulting on bank loans.

The court ordered the police to arrest and produce Javed and Tariq Shafi at the next hearing on December 17.

During proceeding­s yesterday, the court turned down their plea to grant them exemption from personal appearance in the case.

The court had given Shahid

Shafi, Tariq Shafi, Javed Shafi, Ali Pervaiz, and Ibrahim Tariq one last chance to appear before it.

They allegedly defaulted on loans of worth Rs700mn, obtained for Ittifaq and Kashmir sugar mills.

As per reports, they had been served multiple notices by the banks, requesting that they pay back the loan.

The court therefore was requested to order action against them as per the relevant legislatio­n.

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