Gulf Times

Huge anti-coup rallies held in Myanmar


Hundreds of thousands of anti-coup protesters rallied across Myanmar again yesterday after a clear threat from the junta that it was prepared to use lethal force to crush what it branded as “anarchy”.

The warning came after three demonstrat­ors were shot dead over the weekend, and the funeral on Sunday for a young woman who died from bullet wounds at an earlier rally.

Internatio­nal alarm continued to build, with the United Nations chief yesteray condemning the military’s “brutal force”, and the European Union announcing it was ready to impose sanctions on the junta.

Massive street demonstrat­ions have taken place since Myanmar’s military staged a coup on February 1 and detained civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi, ending a decade-long experiment with democracy.

A civil disobedien­ce campaign has also since choked many government operations, as well as businesses and banks, and the junta late Sunday gave its most ominous signal yet that its patience was wearing thin.

“Protesters are now inciting the people, especially emotional teenagers and youths, to a confrontat­ion path where they will suffer the loss of life,” said a statement on state-run broadcaste­r MRTV.

It cautioned protesters against inciting “riot and anarchy”.

Protesters were undeterred by the warning, with hundreds of thousands rallying yesterday in Yangon, Myanmar’s biggest city and commercial hub.

“We came out today to join in the protest, to fight until we win,” said Kyaw Kyaw, a 23-year-old university student. “We are worried about the crackdown, but we will move forward. We are so angry.”

Residents had woken up yesterday to a heavier security presence, including police and military trucks on the roads and an embassy district barricaded.

Tens of thousands of profession­als and public servants also rallied in Naypyidaw, the capital and a military stronghold.

More than 100 people were arrested as police chased protesters through the streets. There were large protests in other cities, including Mandalay, Myitkyina and Dawei.

Myanmar’s generals had already responded to the uprising by gradually ratcheting up the use of force, and the number of political prisoners. Troops and police have used rubber bullets, tear gas, water cannon and some live rounds.

On the weekend, two people were killed when security forces fired at protesters in the city of Mandalay, and a third man was shot dead in Yangon while protecting his community on a night patrol.

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