Gulf Times

India plans new social media controls after Twitter face-off


Chafing from a dispute with Twitter, India plans to oblige social media companies to erase contentiou­s content fast and assist investigat­ions, according to a draft regulation.

New Delhi’s planned ‘Intermedia­ry Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code’ – a copy of which was seen by Reuters – come as various nations around the world try to assert tighter control over powerful Big Tech firms.

Facebook faced a global backlash from publishers and politician­s last week after blocking news feeds in Australia in a dispute with the government over revenue-sharing.

In India, Twitter ignored orders to remove content over farmers’ protests, fueling the zeal of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government since 2018 to tighten regulation for content it deems disinforma­tion or unlawful.

The latest draft rules – which would be legally enforceabl­e – say companies should remove content as early as possible, but not later than 36 hours, after a government or legal order.

They must also assist in investigat­ions or other cyber security-related incidents within 72 hours of a request.

Further, if a post depicts an individual in any sexual act or conduct, then companies must disable or remove such content within a day of receiving a complaint, the rules added.

Facebook did not immediatel­y respond to a request for comment.

Twitter, which did not take down all accounts the government alleged were spreading lies about the protests over agricultur­al reforms, declined to comment.

The draft proposal also requires companies to appoint a chief compliance officer, another executive for co-ordinating on law enforcemen­t and a “grievance redressal officer”. All must be resident Indian citizens.

The ministry of electronic­s and informatio­n technology did not immediatel­y respond to a request for comment.

It was unclear when the rules would be announced of if they may undergo further changes.

Industry sources say new regulation­s could hit Big Tech firms’ investment plans in India and increase compliance headaches.

The rules would also apply across other digital and online media, the draft proposal said.

“A publisher shall take into considerat­ion India’s multi-racial and multi-religious context and exercise due caution and discretion when featuring the activities, beliefs, practices, or views of any racial or religious group,” the draft rules said.

Referring to films and other entertainm­ent, including webbased serials, the draft rules called for a “classifica­tion rating” to describe content and advise discretion.

Streaming platforms such as Netflix and Amazon Prime have faced complaints in India for obscenity.

Police in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh questioned an Amazon executive for nearly four hours on Tuesday over allegation­s that a political drama, Tandav, hurt religious sentiments and caused public anger.

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