Gulf Times

Texas blackout: How can electricit­y grids weather climate shocks?


Experts say the increase in extreme weather as the planet heats up is amplifying the need for better preparatio­n

In February 2011, an extreme cold snap in Texas led to a major blackout. About 200 energy-generating units faltered, from power plants to wind farms, impacting more than 3 million customers.

Such was the disruption that the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and the North American Electric Reliabilit­y Corporatio­n published a 357-page report with recommenda­tions on how to avert future crises.

Wind forward a decade and the southern US state is again struggling with the fallout from an even wilder winter storm, which killed at least two dozen people and led to power outages for more than 4 million Texans at its peak last week.

Despite the warnings, the incident revealed that Texas power producers had failed to adequately winter-proof their facilities as the 2011 report had advised.

Climate scientists say global warming is increasing the severity of extreme weather events, from major hurricanes hitting the Gulf Coast to wildfires in California.

Some evidence has also linked the warming Arctic to more frequent and unusually cold weather in the United States, although the issue is still being debated.

In 2020, natural disasters cost the United States $95 billion, up from $51 billion in 2019, including “historic” wildfires and a record 30 storms in the North Atlantic, according to reinsuranc­e firm Munich Re.

The FERC has said it would examine threats posed by climate change and extreme weather to the country’s electric reliabilit­y after the latest Texas blackouts, with its chairman noting the effects of climate change were “already apparent”.

Stronger financial incentives and regulation­s would be needed from government to mandate energy providers to make the necessary changes, he said.

Ultimately the question is what people, as taxpayers or energy consumers, are willing to pay to avoid future crises.

Alongside “hardening” measures to make utilities and power distributi­on networks more durable, parallel investment­s are needed in other things to protect the public during emergencie­s, such as opening more warm shelters in winter.

The debate over how to fund such efforts has been raging in California, where wildfires burned through a record 4 million acres (1.6 million hectares) across the state in 2020, causing several blackouts and killing at least 31 people.

The state’s overhead power lines are particular­ly fire-prone and have caused several deadly wildfires, leading to suggestion­s that the cables should be buried undergroun­d instead.

But California utility Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) says this would be prohibitiv­ely expensive, costing $3 million per mile converted.

PG&E filed for bankruptcy in 2019, citing potential liabilitie­s topping $30 billion from wildfires linked to its equipment.

Despite the challenges, some changes have been made that can help prevent situations like the Texas power outages.

Smart electricit­y meters in homes, for example, send live data to utilities about energy usage, providing valuable informatio­n to prepare for and react to system issues.

The Florida Power & Light Company has used its “smart grid” to achieve significan­t reliabilit­y improvemen­ts in the face of major storms, which includes smart meters and drones to survey damage to the electric system remotely.

Instead of the traditiona­l model of one big power plant supplying electricit­y, technology has enabled smaller community-based power generation, which is connected to the grid but can operate independen­tly if there is an outage on the main system.

In Puerto Rico, where Hurricane Maria devastated the island in 2017 and led to a complete blackout, plans are being rolled out to create eight regional micro-grids, each producing their own renewable energy.

Whichever measures are employed, experts say the increase in extreme weather as the planet heats up is amplifying the need for better preparatio­n. – Thomson Reuters Foundation

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