Gulf Times

UN appeals for fresh injection of funds for famine-threatened Yemen


Funds needed to feed millions of people in warravaged Yemen could run out in a matter of weeks, a senior United Nations official warned, calling on donors to inject more cash to avert a large-scale famine.

World Food Programme (WFP) Executive Director David Beasley told Reuters the first half of 2022 would be “brutal” for Yemen, which has teetered on the brink of starvation after nearly seven years of war between a coalition and the Houthi group. “We run out (of money) in a few weeks,” Beasley said in Dubai. “I don’t see how we don’t avoid, at this stage, a famine of proportion­s...without a massive injection of additional dollars.”

The war and ensuring economic collapse as well as coalition restrictio­ns on imports to Houthi-held areas have caused what the United Nations says is the world’s biggest humanitari­an crisis, with 16mn people facing starvation.

The WFP said in June it was resuming monthly distributi­ons to around 6mn people in Yemeni areas with the highest rates of food insecurity after donors heeded warnings.

But in September the UN agency sounded the alarm again, saying an additional $800mn was urgently needed in the next six months.

It said rations would have to be cut to 3.2mn people by October and to 5mn people by December without more cash.

Battles have escalated in recent weeks in the energy-rich regions of Marib and Shabwa, further hampering aid flows in a country where 80% of the 30mn population needs help.

The UN children’s agency Unicef said earlier this month that four out of every five children require humanitari­an assistance, while 400,000 are suffering from acute malnutriti­on. UN-led efforts to secure a truce and lift the coalition blockade have stalled. The war has been in military stalemate for years with the Houthis holding most large urban centres. The coalition led by Riyadh intervened in Yemen in March 2015 after the Houthis ousted the government from the capital Sanaa in late 2014.

The Houthis say they are fighting a corrupt system and foreign aggression.

 ?? ?? Displaced Yemeni students attend a class at a makeshift school in the Khokha area of the war-torn western province of Hodeidah.
Displaced Yemeni students attend a class at a makeshift school in the Khokha area of the war-torn western province of Hodeidah.

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