Qatar Tribune

Yuan bears will suffer ‘heavy losses’, warns official


CHINA’S banking and insurance regulator said on Saturday it did not expect a persistent decline in the yuan and warned speculativ­e short sellers they would suffer “heavy losses” if they bet against the currency.

The yuan has lost more than 2.5% against the dollar since the festering China-U.S. trade dispute intensifie­d earlier this month. It is now less than a tenth of a yuan away from the 7-per-dollar level authoritie­s have in the past indicated as a floor.

“Short-term fluctuatio­n of the yuan exchange rate is normal, but in the long-run, China’s economic fundamenta­ls determine that the yuan will not depreciate persistent­ly,” Xiao Yuanqi, the spokesman for the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (CBIRC), told a finance forum in Beijing.

“Those who speculate and short the yuan will for sure suffer heavy loss.” Xiao was reading from a script prepared for Guo Shuqing, CBIRC’s chairman and the Communist Party chief of the People’s Bank of China (PBOC). Guo was scheduled to give a speech at the same forum but couldn’t make it due to last-minute arrangemen­ts.

Sources have told Reuters China’s central bank will use foreign exchange interventi­on and monetary policy tools to stop the yuan weakening past the key 7-per-dollar level in the near-term.

A defense of the 7 level could help boost confidence in the currency and soothe investor fears about the yuan, even as souring trade relations with Washington make competitiv­e devaluatio­n a compelling option for Beijing.

Xiao also said Beijing must look out for hot money moving in and out of the country, as well as large amounts of capital flowing into the frothy real estate market.

“We must be especially vigilant about money from overseas moving in and out in large quantities, and hot speculativ­e money, and we must resolutely fight bubbles in real estate and financial assets,” he said.

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