Qatar Tribune

Trump blasts ex-envoy in ‘intimidati­ng’ attack during impeachmen­t hearing

“Witness intimidati­on” flayed by many; President Trump justifies his tweet as freedom of speech


A US ambassador ousted by Donald Trump told a riveting impeachmen­t hearing on Friday she felt intimidate­d by the president, after he launched an extraordin­ary real-time attack midway through her testimony to Congress.

Taking the stand before a national television audience, Marie ovanovitch cut a resolute figure as she was grilled for five long hours on her fraught dealings with Trump allies she accuses of underminin­g US foreign policy in Ukraine.

The veteran diplomat earned a standing ovation from the public at the conclusion of her marathon testimony, during which she recounted how she was subjected to a “painful” smear campaign before being abruptly pulled from Kiev.

Setting the scene less than an hour into the hearing, the president erupted spectacula­rly on Twitter with an attack on the highly-regarded former envoy.

“Everywhere Marie ovanovitch went turned bad,” he wrote.

Asked what effect Trump’s tweet might have on her and other witnesses, ovanovitch appeared unnerved.

“It’s very intimidati­ng,” she told the panel. “I can’t speak to what the president is trying to do but I think the effect is to be intimidati­ng.”

Trump’s outburst highlighte­d the intensity of the public hearings that seek to establish whether the president abused the power of his office for personal political gain, and which kicked off Wednesday with testimony by two senior diplomats including the current top envoy to Ukraine.

Friday’s testimony proved richer in drama, with the president levelling attacks from afar as ovanovitch explained to lawmakers how “dangerous” it was for US diplomats not to have the backing of their own administra­tion. House Intelligen­ce Committee chairman Adam Schiff, who presides over the impeachmen­t inquiry, hit out at “witness intimidati­on in realtime by the president.” Schiff would not say whether it was an impeachabl­e offence, but witness tampering including intimidati­on is a crime.

Trump later defended his tweet, saying “I have the right to speak. I have freedom of speech just like other people do.” But the special prosecutor during the impeachmen­t inquiry of Democrat Bill Clinton in 199 , Ken Starr, offered a sharp rebuke, saying Trump’s tweet showed “extraordin­arily poor judgment.” The ongoing inquiry in the Democratic-controlled House of Representa­tives centers on accusation­s that Trump froze US military aid in an effort to get Ukraine to launch political investigat­ions against potential 2020 election rival Joe Biden and his son Hunter.

The investigat­ion threatens to make Trump the third US president to be impeached, although the Republican­controlled Senate would need to convict him to remove him from office.

Prior to her May ouster, ovanovitch claims she was targeted by a smear campaign orchestrat­ed in part by Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, who is accused of helping to coordinate the president’s effort to pressure Kiev.

She told lawmakers her inexplicab­le removal plunged America’s Ukraine policy into “disarray” and damaged Washington’s global standing.

And when she read the memorandum of Trump’s July 25 call with Ukraine’s President olodymyr Zelensky -- in which the US leader called her “bad news” and said she was “going to go through some things” -- she said “it sounded like a threat.” She said she was “shocked” and “devastated” to learn how Trump had personally disparaged her.

But above all ovanovitch expressed alarm that envoys could be so easily “kneecapped” by false accusation­s and corrupt foreign influences.

“Our Ukraine policy has been thrown into disarray, and shady interests the world over have learned how little it takes to remove an American ambassador who does not give them what they want,” she said.

ovanovitch levelled criticism at State Department leadership, and by extension Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, for failing to push back against forces that “apparently hijacked our Ukraine policy,” or to support her in the face of “dangerousl­y wrong” attacks against her.

The testimony came amid more bad news for the president. Trump’s longtime aide Roger Stone was convicted Friday for lying to Congress and witness tampering related to the probe into Russian interferen­ce in the 2016 election.

 ??  ?? Former US Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitc­h (centre) leaves after her testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligen­ce as part of the impeachmen­t inquiry into US President Donald Trump, on Capitol Hill, in Washington, on Friday. (AFP)
Former US Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitc­h (centre) leaves after her testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligen­ce as part of the impeachmen­t inquiry into US President Donald Trump, on Capitol Hill, in Washington, on Friday. (AFP)

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