Qatar Tribune

Trump impeachmen­t trial begins in Senate


AMID a solemn silence, articles of impeachmen­t against Donald Trump were read aloud on the Senate floor on Thursday as the bitterly divided chamber began a historic trial of the US president for abuse of power and obstructio­n of Congress.

Senate Sergeant of Arms Michael Stenger opened just the third impeachmen­t trial of a US president in history with a warning to the 100 senators.

“Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye,” Stenger said after the seven members of the House of Representa­tives who will serve as prosecutor­s gathered in the well of the Senate chamber.

“All persons are commanded to keep silent, on pain of imprisonme­nt, while the House of Representa­tives is exhibiting to the Senate of the United States, articles of impeachmen­t against Donald John Trump, President of the United States,” the sergeant at arms said.

Adam Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligen­ce Committee who will serve as lead prosecutor for the trial, then read out the two articles of impeachmen­t passed by the House on December 18.

“I will now read the articles of impeachmen­t,” Schiff said, “impeaching Donald John Trump, President of the United States, for high crimes and misdemeano­rs.” US Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts is to be sworn in to preside over the trial.

Impeachmen­t rules require a two-thirds Senate majority to convict and remove a president and Trump’s acquittal is widely expected in the Republican-dominated Senate.

Trump is accused of abuse of power for withholdin­g military aid to Ukraine and a White House meeting for the country’s president in exchange for an investigat­ion into his potential presidenti­al election rival Democrat Joe Biden.

The Government Accountabi­lity Office concluded in a report released Thursday that the White House violated federal law by putting a hold on the congressio­nally-approved funds for Ukraine.

“Faithful execution of the law does not permit the President to substitute his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law,” according to the GAO, a congressio­nal watchdog.

The second article of impeachmen­t -- for obstructio­n of Congress -- relates to Trump’s refusal to provide witnesses and documents to House impeachmen­t investigat­ors in defiance of congressio­nal subpoenas.

McConnell has been extremely critical of Trump’s impeachmen­t by the Democratic­controlled House and pledged on Thursday that things would be different in the Senate. “It was a transparen­tly partisan performanc­e from beginning to end,” McConnell said. “But it’s not what this process will be going forward.

“This chamber exists precisely so that we can look past the daily drama,” the Republican senator from Kentucky said. “The House’s hour is over. The Senate’s time is at hand.”

 ?? (AFP) ?? Reporters gather around the Articles of Impeachmen­t against US President Donald Trump.
(AFP) Reporters gather around the Articles of Impeachmen­t against US President Donald Trump.

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